
The PMO staff are excited to welcome our newest parents to our PMO family. Thank you for sharing your talented student with us!

It has never been easier to stay connected with PMO and your student. Our online calendar is updated regularly, and you can subscribe to our e-mail list and connect with us on social media.

Need to update your e-mail address?

For your convenience, please reach out to a PMO staff member with questions or to update your e-mail address. 

For all other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (765) 494-3941 or (800) 893-3041.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I stay connected?

This is by far the most frequently asked question we receive from parents, and the students and staff of PMO feel very fortunate to have so many wonderful parents willing to support our program! Here are three simple ways past PMO parents have supported their students, helped our program continue to grow, met new friends and had some fun along the way!

1. Get Connected!

Throughout the year, PMO will share updates, photos and videos on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts. We’ll even give away free merchandise and tickets! You’ll also want to subscribe to receive our e-mails. It’s easy and takes only a few moments!

2. Come See Us!

Come to as many performances as you can. If you live far away and are only able to make it to a handful of concerts, we’d be happy to let you know which ones you won’t want to miss. Contact us via e-mail!

PMO will finalize the performance schedule during the first week of the semester. On rare occasion, performances may be added after the schedule is finalized, and as much notice as possible will be provided to students when this occurs. Please note the student schedule will include all commitments, including closed rehearsals and private events and concerts.

The schedule will indicate which events are open to the public, but when it comes to performances, the best resource for parents is our online calendar. The calendar is updated regularly, so please check back prior to performances to see if additional details have been added. Of course, you can always contact us via e-mail with any questions.

Can I visit my student at rehearsal in Bailey Hall?
All rehearsals are open to guests and visitors. It is suggested that parents check with their students prior to visiting rehearsal to ensure that rehearsal will be held at the normal time and location.
Does PMO offer scholarships?

Yes! Thanks to the generosity of donors, alumni and parents, PMO is able to award more than $350,000 in scholarships each year. Both need-based and merit-based scholarships are available, and we encourage all students to apply. Our PMO scholarship application becomes available to students in March each year.

Best practice is to file your FAFSA by April 15, Purdue’s Preferred Filing date, although it is not required for all scholarships.

What are the obligations over Thanksgiving break?
All PMO students participate in the annual Purdue Christmas Show. All students are expected to be on campus until rehearsal ends at 8 p.m. the Monday before Thanksgiving, and all students are expected to return to campus for rehearsal beginning at 4 p.m. the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Typically, there are no commitments for students during summer or winter vacation.
What are the expectations for performance tours?
All students are expected to participate in their ensemble’s performance tours, so it’s best to hold off on making any plans that involve your student until the schedule is finalized during the first week of the semester.
Can I record PMO performances?

Yes, as long as the recording is not for commercial profit and does not impede the performance experience for other audience members. One major exception is there is no photography or recording of any kind permitted during the Purdue Christmas Show.

PMO reserves the right to ask that any recording which breaks copyright laws be removed immediately. As a musical organization, PMO strives to provide the most enjoyable concert experience for every audience member and will ask patrons to leave a performance if they are impeding the experience for others.

Can I schedule a PMO performance in my area?
Absolutely! Many of the performances we have throughout the year are a result of hard work on behalf of a PMO parent or group of parents. It’s never too early to begin this process! Visit our Book an Ensemble webpage or contact Rachel Mirkin at to learn more.
Will I have time to visit with my student after the performance?
It’s a tradition for PMO students to take several minutes after each performance to mingle with audience members, at which time you may be able to see your student. Please keep in mind that certain students will have post-show responsibilities such as tearing down our equipment, selling merchandise, picking up leftover programs, etc. so your student may not be able to visit with you for very long.
What if my student has a family emergency and can't fulfill a PMO obligation?
Students who need to miss a rehearsal or performance due to a family emergency should contact their ensemble director and student manager as soon as possible.
How does it work if a student needs to miss class for a PMO performance?

PMO provides students with Academic Conflict Forms and encourages students to complete and submit any necessary Academic Conflict Forms to their instructors as soon as the schedule is finalized. Please note each student is responsible for filling out the form, securing their ensemble director’s signature and turning it in to their instructor. PMO has been at this since 1933, and most instructors are very understanding of such conflicts and have no problem allowing them.

In the event the instructor received the student’s Academic Conflict Form in advance but still will not allow for an absence, the student may be permitted to miss a performance. Students should communicate with their ensemble director and student manager as far in advance as possible regarding such conflicts.

What if my student oversleeps, misses a call time and/or misses a rehearsal?
The student will face a consequence, which may be that they do not perform with the rest of the ensemble during an upcoming concert but would still be expected to attend. Students who miss a call time must make every effort to make it to their performance via their own transportation. Students who feel they need to miss a rehearsal or performance due to illness should contact their ensemble director and student manager prior to their call time or rehearsal.
What if the answer to my question is not listed here?

For your convenience, please reach out to a PMO staff member with questions or to update your e-mail address. 

For all other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (765) 494-3941 or (800) 893-3041.