Journal List
- Ranking of Educational Journals
The Scimago Journal & Country Rank website provides rankings for the top journals in various disciplines including Education. The list also provides the number of articles published as well as the average number of citations per article.
- International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL)
The ISSOTL provides a curated list of interdisciplinary SoTL journals with short descriptions of each journal. ISSOTL also hosts a yearly conference focusing on different SoTL themes.
- SoTL Journals (University of Central Florida)
The University of Central Florida provides an comprehensive list of SoTL journals organized by topic/discipline.
- Teaching Journals Directory (Kennesaw State University)
If you have any questions about SoTL projects or are interested in help getting started or collaborating on a project, please contact us via email at!