Vol 38 No 1.1
Welcome to a special series of digital newsletters during COVID-19.
In this Issue
- COVID-19 Impact on Gas Tax Projects
- LTAP News
Allow me to begin by saying that we hope you, your family, and your co-workers are remaining safe and healthy during these challenging times.
Our leaders are often measured by their success or decisiveness when responding to a challenging situation. However, with the wisdom of hindsight, we can comfortably judge the decisions that were made and can claim to have known better; if it was only that easy. The crisis we are currently experiencing has no playbook, no procedures manual, and little historical reference to aid your decision making. You make your decisions in real-time, with the best information you have in front of you, and sometimes relying on your experiences, or your gut instinct. According to Lt General Harold Moore, who led his 7th Cavalry troopers during the battle in the Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam in November of 1965.
- A good leader must ask himself two things:
- What am I doing that I should not be doing?
- And what am I not doing that I should be doing?
You can be sure someone will judge your decisions later, through the lens of hindsight, but for now, you have a job to do. Indiana LTAP would like to be there, right beside you, with training and information that can help. We had good momentum after Road School and were prepared for another full year of training and events. We all know what happened next. The world changed and the LTAP Staff had to stop doing what we should not be doing and began doing what we should be doing. The spring workshops were canceled and are currently being converted to webinars and online training, with three webinars already scheduled for April. The Road Scholar courses planned for April, May, and June will transition to online courses and will be available this summer and fall. Our quarterly newsletter has transitioned to a monthly e-newsletter. There is a page on our website devoted to COVID-19 resources specifically for municipal operations and construction. The Data Management System is available for submitting Annual Operations Reports, and we are available to provide any assistance you need. Who among us ever imagined that there would be a day when the traveling public would fondly miss traveling through work zones? Yet, here we are. When it is safe to take down the road closed sign, leave our homes, and get more fully back to work, LTAP is here to help you and your communities.
Stay safe!
Featured Article: COVID-19 Impact on Gas Tax Projects
The Motor Vehicle Highway Account (MVH), Highway Road and Street Account (LRS), and the Local Road and Bridge Matching Grant Fund more commonly known as Community Crossings Matching Grant Fund (CCMGF) are all funded by the purchase of gasoline and/or diesel fuel. How these funds are impacted all vary due to other revenue sources that also contribute to these accounts and grants. These funds and grants are three of the main sources of dedicated transportation funding for our local highway and street departments. The MVH and LRS also impact the funding for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT).
- Indiana LTAP's website has created a COVID-19 Resources page (to be updated regularly).
- Learn more about the LTAP Direct Mobile App!
Upcoming LTAP webinars include “Replay of Road School” sessions, MVH/LRS Funding Impacts, with more to come.
Road Scholar Core Course #7 Temporary Traffic Control and Core Course #10 Drainage are being converted to online courses and will be available late spring and early summer.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for up-to-date webinar opportunities!
- Digital Newsletters
- Vol 38 No 1.1
- Vol 38 No 1.2
- Vol 38 No 1.3
- Vol 38 No 2.1
- Vol 38 No 2.2
- Vol 39 No 1.1