LTAP Works to Provide Training with Social Distancing
Thanks to the flexibility of our local agencies and the professionalism of our trainers at Arborist Skills LTAP will be able to provide 28 locations across the state of Indiana with chainsaw safety training.
Training at Starke County.
Training in Seymour, Indiana.
Trainer Corey Hineline.
Trainer Dave Hineline.
Feedback from Chainsaw Safety Training Partcipants
“Thank you for setting this up for us! Our entire department was able to participate since it was at the garage, and we were able to get back to chip sealing as soon as it wrapped up. The format worked out really well, and we would definitely be interested in future trainings with a similar structure if they are offered. “ – Starke County
“Thank you for sending these guys they did a great job! I think the guys enjoyed it and was able to take some good from it.” – Fulton County
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