Term Life Insurance on Spouse and Children

Life Insurance Administered by Securian  

Purdue University provides term coverage for employees with the option to increase your coverage.

When making decisions for your life insurance coverage, visit the Purdue University Securian webpage to get information on

  • Purdue University Plan Summaries
  • Resources for term life, AD&D and Evidence of insurability process
  • Educational videos
    • Life insurance options after retirement
    • Financial Planning tools
    • Additional benefits included with Securian
  • Benefit Scout – an educational tool designed to help you understand and make decisions about your life insurance benefits. Based on information you provide, it will help you calculate how much life insurance is enough and estimate costs. If you would like your results, you will be able to download a copy of your life insurance summary.

Administered by Securian.


You have the option to purchase term life insurance on the lives of your spouse and/or your dependent children via payroll deduction. Dependent children are eligible for coverage up to age 26.See the available options below.You are the beneficiary on term life insurance you select on your spouse and children.

If your spouse is employed at Purdue and eligible for benefits, you may both elect term life coverage on one another and on your children.

Spouse term life options

  • Available to spouses
  • You may elect coverage in $10,000 increments
  • Coverage cannot exceed the lesser of $200,000 or the employee's total life insurance coverage amount
  • Without providing Evidence of Insurability (EOI), you may elect coverage of up to $20,000, if you elect coverage within 31 days of your spouse becoming eligible for this coverage.Coverage above $20,000 is subject to EOI.

Rates for spouse term life

What is Evidence of Insurability?

Evidence of Insurability (EOI) is required for coverage greater than that outlined above and/or coverage elected after your initial period of eligibility. EOI is the underwriting medical review process used to determine an applicant's insurability under this plan for coverage that is not guaranteed issue.

In these instances, a letter will be mailed to the applicant providing directions for answering health questions online.A paper form will also be included for use by those who do not have access to a computer.

After the initial underwriting review, many applicants are approved or declined without the need for any additional information. In general, most of the applications Securian receives are completed without asking for further information. However, additional information is sometimes required to get a better understanding of an applicant's health. Additional information may include an applicant questionnaire, historical medical records, or a paramedical exam.

Reductions in coverage

Spouse term life insurance reduces at the following ages:

  • Age 65 — reduces to 65 percent of original coverage amount
  • Age 70 — reduces to 50 percent of original coverage amount
  • Age 75 — reduces to 25 percent of original coverage amount

Child term life options

  • You may elect coverage of $10,000 or $20,000
  • One premium covers all eligible children up to age 26
  • Children who are age 26 and older are eligible if they are physically or mentally incapable of self-support, were incapable of self-support prior to age 26 and are financially dependent on you for one half of their support and maintenance.
  • Never requires EOI

Rates for child term life

Changing your coverage

If you do not enroll during your initial period of eligibility, and then later wish to elect spouse term life coverage, you will have to provide EOI on your spouse.

If you take spouse term life insurance coverage and later wish to drop it, you may do so at any time.

If you have a qualifying change in family status, you may increase your spouse term life insurance by one level within 31 days of your family change.If you wish to increase your coverage by more than one level, you will have to prove insurability.

Changes to child term life may be made at any time and never require EOI.