Q. We enjoy your articles and were wondering about Jack-in-the-pulpit seeds. Do they have to be stratified? Would you do an article about the different seeds and which ones need stratification and or softening and abrading? A. Seeds of many plants in our climate have an immature embryo that requires a period of moist-chilling (stratification) before they are able to germinate. Although the length of the chilling period varies with the plant species, most seeds […]
Q. I have a lot of black walnut trees in my yard in Carroll County. I was wondering if there is any kind of flowers I could grow around these trees. Most people I know say there is nothing that will grow or survive around these trees. A. While many plants grow well in proximity to black walnut, there are certain plant species that are inhibited by this tree. The causal agent is a chemical […]
Q. I have two wisteria bushes that I planted alongside each other about 10 years ago, and either has yet to bloom. One is white and the other is supposed to be red. Do I need to have a female and male plant, as you do bittersweet, in order to produce blooms, and, if so, how do I know which is which? A. First, wisteria do not have separate male and female plants, but even […]
Q. Can you please tell me the name of the flower that is in bloom in this photo? The flowers came back in bloom for around three years and died out. It grows around 4-5 feet tall. The stems are a reddish color. It starts blooming in June and blooms until frost. My brother gave me this flower. And there was no name on the pot. It is a beautiful flower. I hope you can […]
Q. Could you tell me what kind of weed is creeping through my lawn and flowerbeds? It has scalloped edges on the leaves and pretty blue flowers. The leaves have a strong smell. I have tried all kinds of weed killer on it; I think it makes it grow! A. You and most every gardener in Indiana are doing battle with the common perennial weed called ground ivy, aka creeping Charlie, a member of the […]
Q. I have a blue prince and princess holly, and I think they are doing fine, but I want to plant another female species (Blue Girl), since it doesn’t grow quite as big. Will the blue prince pollinate the Blue Girl, or do I need the Blue Boy also? Thank you for your advice. A. In order for a female plant to bear fruit, she must be in bloom at the same time as a […]
Q. I have had a hummingbird vine for roughly five years, and it has yet to flower. It vines all over my front porch. I trim it down, thinking it will flower. I have called the company I got it from, and they tell me nothing. I have been thinking of cutting it down and digging it up, but I want this vine to flower. Anything you can tell me will be greatly appreciated. A. […]
Q. I am hoping that you can give me some advice on my yard. I think I may have a fungus. Nothing grows very well. Last year I planted bell peppers and tomatoes, and they were inedible. They were full of white veins. All of my trees have small holes in the leaves. And my grass has small pale patches all over the yard. My income is limited. Can you suggest a treatment that is […]
Greetings readers! I’d like to introduce myself to you as your new “In the Grow” columnist. I’ve been answering Indiana gardening questions since 1984, when I joined the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. I grew up in Chicago, Ill., and was an urban gardener for most of my life but now live on five partly wooded acres heavily populated with critters and insects. I’ve never seen such a diverse array of wildlife all in […]