Luis Medina is a visiting scholar from Honduras who joined the Meyers’ weed science lab. He obtained his B.Sc. in Agronomy from Universidad Nacional de Agricultura (UNAG), Honduras. ” This opportunity has awakened in me a great interest in weeds, which are of great agricultural importance. It is definitely an area in which I would[Read More…]
On Monday, July 18th, Vicki Stirm hosted 8 high school students from the C-PASA (Carghill -Purdue Agribusiness and Science Academy) program. The program is in conjunction with the Office of Multicultural Programming in the College of Ag. Among the activities included a tour of the Student Farm and Urban Ag/Post-Harvest activity, which included learning pickling[Read More…]
On Thursday, July 21, Purdue Horticulture Extension hosted the 2022 Purdue Fruit, Vegetable, and Hemp Field Day at Meigs Purdue Ag Center. Presenters from HLA included Petrus Langehoven, Miranda Purcell, Stephen Meyers, Peter Hirst, Jeanine Arana, Emmanuel Cooper, Luis Medina, Eduardo Miranda, Lian Durón, and Josué Cerritos. Other presenters included Nathan Shoaf (Purdue Extension Urban[Read More…]
Dr. Aaron Thompson, Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, and Dr. Zoe Nyssa, Department of Anthropology, are excited to announce the receipt of a new grant entitled “Plan Your Park.” The grant from the Engagement Scholarship Consortium will support an ongoing partnership between the Department of Anthropology, the City of West Lafayette, and the Center[Read More…]
Assistant Professor Yiwei Huang and two landscape architecture undergraduate students Yahan You and Wanting Zhang will be presenting their landscape performance study of Suining South Riverfront Park in next week Landscape Architecture Foundation’s public webinar. The Landscape Architecture Foundation’s Case Study Investigation (CSI) program supports faculty-student research teams who work with designers to assess and document the[Read More…]
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