The Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day was held on July 16 at the W. H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center. Over 400 turf and landscape professionals attended to learn more about the latest research. Thank you to the HLA faculty and staff, as well as colleagues and volunteers from across the College of[Read More…]
Hi everyone! My name is Brody Piel and I am from Arcadia, IN. I am currently a senior studying Turf Management & Science with minors in Soil Science, Crop Science, and Food & Agribusiness Management, as well as the former President of the HLA Ambassadors. This summer I am interning at Castle Pines Golf Club[Read More…]
Vera Vukovic, Brandon McNally, Aaron Patton and co-authors published paper in Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management titled “A survey of ethofumesate resistant annual bluegrass (Poa annua) on US golf courses.” In December last year, Vera Vukovic, Brandon McNally, Cale Bigelow, Stephen Meyers, Aaron Patton and co-authors published a paper in Weed Technology titled “Ethofumesate-resistant annual[Read More…]
Cale Bigelow and Jada Powlen attended and participated in the 2024 Sports Field Managers Association (SFMA) annual meeting in Daytona, FL. They co-presented a seminar “What’s new in research for winter overseeding of warm-season grasses”. Cale also presented: “Pure Live Seed: Does it matter?” and co-presented “Soils 201: Next level soils knowledge for the sports[Read More…]
Cale Bigelow, Jada Powlen and Lee Miller attended the 2024 Golf Course Superintendent’s Association of America (GCSAA) annual meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Cale presented the topic “Nutrient update from turfgrasses: How much do you lose with clipping collection?” Dr. Lee Miller from the Purdue Botany and Plant Pathology Department presented on the topic of “What[Read More…]