On January 31, the Purdue Landscape Report officially received the Purdue Agriculture TEAM Award recognizing their interdisciplinary achievements. Led by Kyle Daniel, the team includes HLA faculty and staff members Lori Jolly-Brown, Kirby Kalbaugh, Rosie Lerner, and Aaron Patton as well as members from BPP, FNR and Entomology. Read more about the Purdue Landscape Report’s[Read More…]
Aaron Thompson’s LA students from Fall 2019 will see their class project design come to life this fall. With the help of Purdue Extension and community groups who fundraised with private donations, the citizens of Connersville, Indiana will be able to enjoy the J Long Memorial Second Street Park. This park will be the first[Read More…]
Congratulations to Michael Mickelbart, Kathryn Orvis, and Joshua Widhalm for receiving 2022 AgSEED grants. Michael Mickelbart’s project is “Improving maize water-use efficiency via stomatal traits.” Kathryn Orvis’s project is “Urban Farming Entrepreneurship Program: Providing minority youth entrepreneurship training to increase employment and food access.” Joshua Widhalm’s project is “Investigating chloroplast thievery in photosynthetic sea slugs[Read More…]
After a lot plan changes and alternations, the LA Career Fair still successfully took place February 4 in our HORT building. We greatly appreciate the firms who took heroic measure to arrive West Lafayette to meet with our students. And we also want to thank those firms who could not be here due to weather[Read More…]
Ariana Torres and Wenjing Guan are part of a $3.7M project that explores high-tunnel pest management, rural-urban variations in high-tunnel pest management, and creates an online tool for farmers to calculate whether an investment in an integrated pest management strategy or crop diversification will be profitable. This project is led by Elizabeth Barnes in Entomology. [Read More…]
Former ESE-HLA graduate Kyle Richardville published the first article from his MS thesis titled ‘Leaf mold compost reduces waste, improves soil and microbial properties and increases tomato productivity’ in the journal Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems doi.org/10.1002/uar2.20022. Co-authors include Lori Hoagland, Amit Jaiswal, Aaron Thompson (HLA), Andrew Flachs (ANTH), Dan Egel (BPP) and Dan[Read More…]
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