Shannon Stirling (PhD student, Dudareva lab) won 1st place in the graduate student oral presentation category at the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) Midwest regional meeting. George Meyer (PhD student, Widhalm lab), alongside PULSe rotation student Amanda Navodani, won 3rd place in the graduate student poster presentation category. The ASPB Midwest meeting was hosted by the[Read More…]
Several HLA grad students are involved in the planning of the 2022 Graduate Student Plant Science Symposium, including George Meyer, Vera Vukovic, Cristian Salinas, Emerson Luna, Emmanuel Cooper, Sofia Gomez, Xiaojing Wang, Frederick Mildenhall, Scott Benzinger, and Jeanine Arana. Students from other departments in the College of Ag include Rebecca Leuschen-Kohl, Nathan Smith, Juan Diego[Read More…]
The HLA Department participated in the Rainbow Callout on September 6 at the Co-Rec. The booth handed out carnations and other HLA swag to attendees. A special thank you to the Widhalm Lab, especially George Meyer, Thiti Suttiyut, and Mearaj Shaikh for preparing the flowers and being at the booth. Thanks also goes out to[Read More…]
Over the summer, the Widhalm laboratory members were busy presenting their research across the country. Graduate student Thiti Suttiyut presented his work on shikonin metabolism and helped organize the phytochemical section at Botany 2022 (Botanical Society of America) in Anchorage, Alaska from July 24th – 27th. Graduate student George Meyer presented his work on juglone[Read More…]