Purdue team develops fast-track process for genetic improvement of plant traits Web-based tool for plant biologists to discover regulators for their trait-of-interest Kranthi Varala, and 9 co-authors from HLA, published the details of the new web-based regulatory gene discovery tool in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Varala has a patent pending on[Read More…]
We congratulate Kirby Kalbaugh on a well-earned promotion that will have him spending his time supporting HLA and the College on research data needs. This promotion is in recognition of the exceptional support Kirby has provided to HLA and the College over the last several years that have helped to advance our research mission. While[Read More…]
4 The HLA Welcome Back Bash was a success despite the rain ending it earlier than planned. Undergraduate students enjoyed the taco bar, cornhole, the photo booth, and bingo (with prizes!). Thank you to Robin Tribbet, Gloribel Rosales-Burdin, Ashley Breed, Pam Fisher, Kyle Daniel, Kirby Kalbaugh, Mike Dana, Kathryn Orvis, Steve Hallett, Josh Widhalm, Cale[Read More…]
On January 31, the Purdue Landscape Report officially received the Purdue Agriculture TEAM Award recognizing their interdisciplinary achievements. Led by Kyle Daniel, the team includes HLA faculty and staff members Lori Jolly-Brown, Kirby Kalbaugh, Rosie Lerner, and Aaron Patton as well as members from BPP, FNR and Entomology. Read more about the Purdue Landscape Report’s[Read More…]