The HLA Department participated in the Rainbow Callout on September 6 at the Co-Rec. The booth handed out carnations and other HLA swag to attendees. A special thank you to the Widhalm Lab, especially George Meyer, Thiti Suttiyut, and Mearaj Shaikh for preparing the flowers and being at the booth. Thanks also goes out to[Read More…]
Krishna Nemali and others hosted a tour for 19 visitors that included ag advisory members and farmers from Hungary to showcase HLA’s Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) program. This included a short presentation about CEA faculty and research, teaching, and extension activities and several graduate and undergraduate students shared research activities. The group visited the greenhouses[Read More…]
Cale Bigelow and Jada Powlen attended the 49th Virginia Tech Turf Field Day in Blacksburg, Virginia. Jada presented on a collaborative field research project related to her Ph.D. dissertation examining the effects of planting cool-season grass blends and mixtures with superior resistance to the summer lawn disease, brown patch. The results of these studies demonstrate a[Read More…]
Yiwei Huang had guided her previous student, Luyu Zeng, on constructing an interview article with a landscape architecture professor, Brett Milligan, to advocate for more climate resilient design in China. The piece is now published. Brett MILLIGAN, Luyu ZENG, Yiwei HUANG. A Call for Innovative, Multidisciplinary Adaptive Landscape Design in the Age of Climate Change: Interview With Brett[Read More…]
Celina Gómez and co-authors recently published a new paper in HortTechnology entitled “Effect of Container Volume and Planting Density on Ginger and Turmeric Growth and Yield,” now available online. Retana-Cordero, M., Flores, S. J., Fisher, P. R., Freyre, R., & Gómez, C. (2022). Effect of Container Volume and Planting Density on Ginger and Turmeric Growth[Read More…]
Dr. Bo Zhang, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Oklahoma State University “Big Data with Smart Minds: Gauging the Impacts of Landscape in Information Age” Thursday September 15th, at 3:30pm, HORT 117 or join via Zoom Dr. Bo Zhang, an associate professor of Landscape Architecture at Oklahoma State University, has a keen interest in promoting public space[Read More…]
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