“Why I Give”
The Purdue United Way campaign has begun. Read why members of the Purdue community are inspired to contribute to the campaign.

With the United Way campaign underway, employees Jillian Henry, Rendi Tharp, JJ Sadler, and Phillip VanFossen have taken the time to share their reasons for supporting the campaign on campus. You can join them in supporting a thriving Greater Lafayette at the link below.

Jillian Henry | Vice President of Engagement, Purdue for Life Foundation
“Investing in United Way means investing in stronger communities. I give to United Way because this is my home, my community. I’m proud of growing up here and choosing to make this home after attending Purdue. United Way helps people in this community thrive through improving education, obtaining employment and income, and accessing health care. Everyone should have these basic needs, and United Way addresses these needs and provides a pathway to independence.”

JJ Sadler | Associate Director, Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research
“I give to the United Way because the difference I make in the community is extended beyond my donation by being part of a collective effort to support multiple local programs and initiatives by providing funds to those in need. We never know where life will take us or those we love, but the United Way provides support in multiple facets of our community to address many of the challenges we – I – could face.”

Phillip VanFossen | Interim Dean, Purdue College of Education
“I have been very blessed throughout my life, and my wife Bethany and I taught our daughters to always have an ‘attitude of gratitude’ and to share our blessings with others who are less fortunate. As we are told, ‘if you have two tunics, give one to him who has none.'”
“The James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship in the College of Education at Purdue worked with United Way partner agency LARA for a number of years, offering free citizenship classes for recent immigrants who were considering naturalization. This was among the most rewarding engagement activities the Center has done over the years. Because there are more than two dozen partner organizations, United Way of Greater Lafayette gives unrivaled ‘bang for your donation buck’ and those donations have a multiplier effect across our community.”

Rendi Tharp | Chairperson, Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee
“I give to the United Way because it allows me to be a part of something greater than myself and allows us to work towards building a better community for all. It serves as a reminder that we are all connected, and by coming together, we can drive positive change. It’s a way to make an impact on the lives of individuals and families in our community, fostering a sense of unity.”
To learn more about the Purdue United Way campaign, visit the site here.