myStrengths Portal Instructions
For returning myStrengths users
These instructions are for Purdue Students, Faculty, and Staff who have already taken the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment (StrengthsQuest, Gallup Access, Gallup Strengths, etc.) and need to import their results into the myStrengths Web Portal.
Step 1: Access the myStrengths portal at purdue.my.gallup.com. Enter your Purdue (Career Account) username and password.
Note: The portal uses two-factor authentication, so you will have to verify and approve your access through the Duo app.
Step 2: Click the menu in the top left and select 'CliftonStrengths' to see your results.
Note: If you do not see your results and need to link your results to the Purdue Portal, please select 'Transfer CliftonStrengths' and follow the instructions on-screen.
If you have any issues or questions, please email leadership@purdue.edu for support.