myStrengths FAQs

General Questions

Is the assessment available in other languages?

The CliftonStrengths assessment is offered in 20+ languages. When you create your account, there will be an option to choose a language for the assessment.

If the assessment is taken in a language other than English, can the report still be printed in English?

It is possible to print the Signature Themes Report in 20+ different languages. Currently the CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report and CliftonStrengths for Students Report are available in English only.

Who has access to my CliftonStrengths results? What will those results be used for?

Your results may be accessed by University faculty and staff to ensure your success as a student. For example, your academic adviser, career counselor, or instructor may use a strengths-based approach to help you learn more about yourself and others and opportunities to engage on campus.

Do I need to retake the assessment?

In short, no. The results of this assessment are static and seldom change. Gallup does not recommend retaking the assessment.

What if I want to retake the assessment?

If someone does want to retake the assessment, they would have to pay for it out of pocket. Some individuals find more value with purchasing their Full 34 report instead of retaking the assessment. In either case, you can send them here to learn more about the cost.

Why can I not retake the assessment at Purdue?

Your Purdue email is associated with an account in the portal, and there is currently not a way to reset these accounts.

What if I need my results for a class?

If you need to see your results, you can access your results in the portal.
When you get to the landing page, on the left you will see the menu, after you click make sure to click the tab that says 'Clifton Strengths'.

Do I keep my results after I graduate?

yes, you keep your results after graduation. You will need to contact Gallup support to change the email attached to your results.

Who has access to take the assessment?

Currently, the assessment is available for Purdue students, staff, or faculty with a '' email, affiliated with the West Lafayette Campus.


About Clifton Strengths for Students

What is a Talent?

According to Gallup, "A talent is a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied."

What is a Strength?

According to Gallup, "A strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. The key to building a strength is to identify your dominant talents, then complement them by acquiring knowledge and skills pertinent to the activity."

How likely is it to have the same Top 5 Talent Themes as somebody else?

The chances of having the exact same Top 5 Talent Themes in the exact order as someone else is 1 in 33.39 million. The chances of having the same Top 5 Talent Themes as someone else, but in a different order, is approximately 1 in 340,000.

What careers or majors should I pursue based on my Talent Themes?

Your Top 5 Talent Themes won't dictate a specific major or career that you should pursue. For example, having the talent theme of "Analytical" does not mean that you should pursue a major in math or computer science. Instead, consider how you can apply your talents to the major and career that are of the greatest interest to you or how the skills and knowledge you gain through a specific major or career will provide opportunities to transform your talents into strengths.

What about my weaknesses? Should I just ignore them now that I know my strengths?

The strengths-based approach is not about ignoring weaknesses. It is important to be aware of areas that are not strengths; however, instead of spending a lot of time and energy trying to turn those weaknesses into strengths, figure out ways to manage those weaknesses so that they don't prevent you from being successful.

Will I be labeled, stereotyped, or put in a box based on my Talent Themes?

No. The StrengthsFinder assessment is a tool to help your own self-discovery and to take action on that self-discovery Your Top 5 Talent Themes are intended to help raise your awareness about where you naturally excel or have the potential to excel. They are not intended to box you in but rather serve as a platform for reflection and conversation that can be helpful as you navigate choices and opportunities related to academics, career, relationships, getting involved on campus, and more.

StrengthsQuest™, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, and the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. Copyright © 2000 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. All the StrengthsQuest branded documents were obtained from the Gallup/StrengthsFinder website.

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