Tag: Grade 9-12
A Nest Above The Rest
Friday, October 25th, 2024
Lesson Overview: Students will need to design and print 3D bird nests, in order to be placed into different locations in both the Tree Project and Worton Park. Eggs will be molded from various malleable materials and placed into the nests. Students are asked to observe the nests over periods of specified time in both the fall and spring […]
Water Water Everywhere and More
Friday, October 25th, 2024
Lesson Overview: Students work with your group to create a STEM based audio-visual presentation (MP4 video required) that clearly identifies the effects of stormwater runoff as they relate specifically to our campus, create a scaled map that identifies the major surface water flows (location and direction), drainage locations (gutter down spouts and storm drains) and […]
Build Your Own Wind Turbine
Thursday, October 24th, 2024
Lesson Overview: Students create a wind turbine that will be able to give clean power to at least 400 homes! Lesson Scenario: The federal government has opened the door for offshore wind farms in our area. Your company has been awarded the contract to design and install the wind farm off the coast of Maryland […]
Robot Robot Goose
Thursday, October 24th, 2024
Lesson Overview: Students design and create a robotic decoy that mimics a light goose’s behavior well enough to encourage a flock of seasoned light geese to land. Lesson Scenario: Light geese populations have been increasing exponentially on the North American continent since the 1960s. Larger populations are causing habitat destruction in the Canadian arctic and […]
Wing it
Thursday, October 24th, 2024
Lesson Overview: Students integrate observations of biological processes and organisms into the design of a wind turbine blade to optimize its energy production. Lesson Scenario: You and your team are new engineers at CS Wind, the wind turbine manufacturing company. They are looking to design new blades for the next generation of wind turbines. The […]
D-Bait (Exemplary)
Friday, June 7th, 2019
Using principles of ecosystem interactions and buoyancy, students will design and 3D print real fishing lures that imitate the behaviors of aquatic insects.
Flight of the Bumblebee
Friday, June 7th, 2019
This is an integrated lesson to be used in Physical Science and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Class. The focus is on how to produce lift with flapping wings, investigating butterflies, ornithopters and finishing in the creation of a 3-d printed wing that could be used on as a prototype for a bumblebee drone wing.
Ticket to Fly
Friday, June 7th, 2019
Students will study the physics behind different types of flight and using biomimicry design a simple flying machine.
The Charging Sun: Self-Sustaining Portable Charger
Thursday, June 6th, 2019
Students will study the physics behind different types of flight and using biomimicry design a simple flying machine.
Riparian Zone Replacement Design
Tuesday, June 4th, 2019
The students will explore the causes and effects of erosion and how a healthy riparian zone can work. They will test water health based on the aquatic insects they find and compare their water health findings to how the waterway has been eroding. They will develop a testable replacement riparian zone model based on their research and develop a real-world implementation based upon their designs.