
represents the new focus on mimicking natural processes to find innovative solutions to complex problems (McGregor, 2013)

TRAILS approach
uses biomimicry in terms of what we can learn from nature instead of what can be extracted from nature
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Biomimicry tagged Lessons

D-Bait (Exemplary)
Lesson Overview: Using principles of ecosystem interactions and buoyancy, students will design and 3D print real fishing lures that imitate ...

Flight of the Bumblebee
Lesson Overview: This is an integrated lesson to be used in Physical Science and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Class. The focus ...

Ticket to Fly
Lesson Overview Students will study the physics behind different types of flight and using biomimicry design a simple flying machine ...

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation, award # DRL – 2148781 (Purdue University) / 2148782 (University of Hawaii). Any opinions, and findings expressed in this material are the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.