
TRAILS 2.0 Leadership Team

Todd R. Kelley

PI (Principal Investigator)

Purdue University


Unviversity Profile photo

J. Geoffrey Knowles


Bryan College

Geoff Knowles

Joshua Nelson


Purdue University


Cohort 1 (VA, MD, DE)

Joel Tomlinson


University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Joel Tomlinson Bio Pic

William Weaver

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

William Weaver

Cohort 2 (CO, NM)

Warren McClure


Otero College


Allan Nolan

Senior Personnel

Otero College


Cohort 3 (HI)

Pauline Chinn


University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Pauline Chinn

Scott Miller


University of Hawai’i at Manoa


Mary Rinehart

External Evaluator



Nicole Santoro


Learning Undefeated

Nicole Santoro Headshot

Jung Han

Postdoctoral Researcher

Purdue University


Woongbin Park

Graduate Asssistant

Purdue University


TRAILS 2.0 (2022-2026), NSF Awards– #2148781(Purdue University)/ #2148782 (University of Hawaii)

What is TRAILS?​

TRAILS is an acronym for Teachers and Researchers Advancing Integrated Lessons in STEM. This is a National Science Foundation project that is bringing together high school Biology or Agriculture (life science), and Engineering/ Technology Education teachers through integrated STEM professional development experiences.


The TRAILS 2.0 SEI (Scaling, Expanding, and Iterating Innovations) expands participation in STEM education and pursuits in STEM careers by a strategic partnership with Purdue University and the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Ivy Tech Community College, University of Maryland- Eastern Shore, Otero Junior College. Partnering faculty will provide access to necessary local knowledge to reach rural schools containing underserved high school student populations.

TRAILS 2.0 Goal

TRAILS 2.0 overarching goal is to enhance underserved and underrepresented rural high school students’ interest and capacity to pursue STEM careers and prepare secondary teachers to provide technology-rich integrated STEM learning experiences. Providing technology and support to rural and underserved cohorts serves to level the playing field for students and teachers in rural populations, thus, bridging equity gaps known to exist in these areas.

TRAILS Approach

Our goal is

to build a community of STEM practice through integrated lessons with authentic, inquiry-based engineering design activities

How we teach through

advanced innovation tools such as parametric modeling software (CAD) and 3D printers to enhance science and technology education lessons.

K-12 Standards

TRAILS lessons are aligned with high school science courses (Biology or Physics), and technology education (IED, POE, EDD), and other school subjects to provide sustained and substantial STEM pedagogical content knowledge growth.

TRAILS Features

Engineering Design

Engineering design is the strategy that engineers use to solve problems. TRAILS uses engineering design as a core platform to design students’ solutions.

Scientific Inquiry

Scientific inquiry refers to the ways in which scientists study the natural phenomenon to find explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. TRAILS posits scientific inquiry to guide students’ inquiry


Biomimicry is the ways to design products, materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on biological entities and processes. TRAILS uses the biomimicry approach to generate creative and efficient design solutions.

3D Printing

The 3D printing technology allows students to generate rapid prototypes or solid design solutions under computer control to create a three-dimensional object, with material being added together, typically layer by layer. The use of 3D printing technology offers students explore future technologies.

Community of Practice

community of practice refers to a group of people who share problems or a issues for something they do, and learn how to do it better as they interact. TRAILS encourages local industry and communities to engage in the learning community of STEM to provide authentic learning experience to students.

TRAILS 1.0 (2016-2019), NSF Awards-#1513248

TRAILS 1.0 (2016-2019) Leadership Team (Past Members)

TRAILS 1.0 PI and Co-PIs

PI (Principal Investigator)       Todd R. Kelley

Co-PI                                      Jeffery D. Holland

Co-PI                                       David Eichinger

Co-PI                                       Geoff Knowles

TRAILS 1.0 Leadership Team

Andrea Trice

Jennifer Richardson

Jonathan Combs        

Jung Han

Jacob Goldner

Euisuk Sung 

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation, award # DRL – 2148781 (Purdue University) / 2148782 (University of Hawaii). Any opinions, and findings expressed in this material are the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

© 2025 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by TRAILS

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