Future Students Questions
A degree in the sciences can lead to many different exciting careers. Check out our "What can I do with a major in.. "webpage to explore career possibilities for the different majors offered by the College of Science.
Several factors are considered when reviewing admissions applications. Please click here for Purdue admissions criteria.
For admission into the College of Science, you will need to have at least a 2.5 GPA at your previous institution and have completed a calculus course. The grade needed in calculus depends upon the major; all majors require at least a C in the calculus class, though specific majors may require a higher grade. To view admissions requirements for the College of Science visit the Purdue Admissions website.
While the courses have transferred, they may not be used in your particular degree plan. Prior to accepting your offer, you may use this tool to review how your credit is being used in your degree plan. After you have accepted your offer, a similar tool is available in myPurdue, called myPurduePlan.
When transferring courses from another institution refer to the transfer credit database to see how the credit will be evaluated. If you do not see your institution or a class that you took in the database, obtain a copy of the syllabus from the class and contact Purdue Credit Evaluation to inquire about equivalency. It is important to note that not every course evaluated has an equivalent course at Purdue. It is up to the college/program to determine how undistributed credit will meet program requirements.
To confer a Purdue degree in the College of Science you must complete several requirements. The first is that you complete at least 120 credit hours that count towards your degree requirements. Of these 120 credit hours, 32 must be taken at the 30000 level or above at Purdue. You must also complete all major requirements. The College of Science and University Core Curriculums must also be completed. Many of the classes required for the University Core are built into the Science Core requirements.
Every student is assigned to an advisor that they will work with to accomplish their academic and career goals. If a student is pursuing multiple programs (majors), they will have multiple advisors. The advisor is an expert on curriculum, policy, and degree requirements in their department. All students are required to meet with their advisor at least once a semester. If a student does not meet with their advisor, they will not be able to register for classes the next semester. During advising appointments students will discuss how they plan to progress towards graduation, address any issues they are having with current classes, transition to Purdue, social/personal concerns, and discuss campus resources that may be beneficial to overall success. It is the student's responsibility to come to advising appointments with an idea of the classes that they would like to take to plan their schedule for the next semester.
The computer that you buy depends on your personal preference. No department within the College of Science requires use of a specific computer. If you find that you are working on a project that is more compatible with a certain type of computer, there are computer labs on campus that you can work in. Some companies provide educational discounts to qualified Purdue students. Visit the ITaP Shopping Program to find out more!
The type of course being taken will determine how many students are in a class; most class sizes will range from 30-500 students. First-year lecture classes tend to have a higher number of students (300-500) and more advanced courses have a smaller amount (30-40).
Many classes have more than one component to them. Classes typically consist of a lecture which could seat up to 500 students. Large lectures also often have a recitation and/or lab. Recitations and labs are comprised of approximately 30 students.
Information pertaining to financial aid can be located by visiting the Department of Financial Aid. Students are encouraged to monitor their financial tab in myPurdue and to contact the Department of Financial Aid if they have any questions. It is also important to note that financial awards cannot exceed cost of attendance.
Where you choose to live plays an integral role in your college experience. Students at Purdue have a variety of housing options including University Residences, Learning Communities, and off-campus housing. Start your search here.
When transferring dual or AP credit to Purdue the official record of it (from the College Board or Registrar's Office of the dual credit university) must be sent to Purdue Admissions. If you are submitting AP scores refer to the Purdue AP credit webpage for more information. Please note that all of your dual or AP credit may not count towards your degree requirements. Please see your advisor for information in your specific case.
If your dual credit is from a non-Purdue institution refer to the transfer credit database to see how the credit will be evaluated. If you do not see your institution or the class that you took in the database, obtain
a copy of the syllabus from the class and contact Purdue Credit Evaluation to inquire about equivalency. It is important to note that not every course evaluated has an equivalent course at Purdue. This credit is designated as undistributed. It is up to the college/program to determine how undistributed credit will meet program requirements.
The ALEKS is an assessment tool that Purdue uses to determine readiness for various math courses. All students in the College of Science begin with Calculus 1. To be placed into this course, students must meet the requisite ALEKS score. Find out more information about the ALEKS.
We'd love to see you and are happy to help you explore Purdue! Daily visits, private tours, and formal programs are all offered by the College of Science Recruiting Office. Click here for more information.
Many questions about the College of Science can be found through a Purdue Google search. If you still have questions please contact sciencerecruiting@purdue.edu.
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