Get Ahead of Third-Year Bootcamp
Start preparing for your junior year and pave the path towards the future of your dreams!
This is an investment in yourself and one of Purdue’s investments in you. You’ll take away the essential elements of how to gather the right summer and fall experiences, be a leader who creates real change, create the personal narrative you want to project and link it to important global challenges, build academic and professional relationships and be an interesting conversationalist during professional receptions.
This event is hosted annually in January. Students will learn a variety of skills during the camp. In previous years Mr. Anthony Cawdron, Westwood Event Coordinator, House Manager for President of Purdue, and Adjunct HTM Faculty has taught participants to balance a plate and glass at a mock professional reception while Mel Gruver from the Roger C. Stewart Leadership and Professional Development Department has talked about leadership that matters and NISO staff showed how to articulate one’s own personal trajectory.
Details for the next upcoming bootcamp will be posted here and an RSVP is required in order to attend.