
Circuit is a peer review tool designed to transform the traditional peer review process into an online, anonymous, and asynchronous activity. This tool provides a safe space for students to enhance their peer review skills, assess submissions to the level of detail you desire, and provide and receive honest feedback. Circuit’s integration with Brightspace makes engaging your students in peer review activities a nearly seamless experience from start to finish.
Getting Started
- Circuit Instructor Guide (Downloadable Document .docx)
- Overview for Students (Video 1:14:43)
- Circuit Student Guide (Downloadable Document .docx)
- How do I complete a video assignment in Circuit? (Downloadable Document .docx)
Support Information
- Purdue Information Technology
- Weblink:
- Email:
- Phone: 765-494-4000 (44000 when dialing from a campus phone)
- West Lafayette Central Campus
Faculty Testimonials

Amy Sheehan
Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice
The peer-review process is important, not just because it improves the student’s paper,” says Sheehan. “It helps them think more critically about what they’re reading and ultimately what they’re writing – which is an important skill they’ll need throughout their careers.