TLCoP Oct. 24: Writing feedback & assessment

All Purdue West Lafayette instructors, teaching assistants, staff, and students are invited to join the Teaching and Learning Community of Practice (TLCoP) online Mon., Oct. 24, 3-4 p.m. ET, to discuss writing feedback and assessment.

TLCoP’s second event of the semester will dig into the practical ways that we can assess writing assignments and activities. While writing assignments are often categorized as being too time-intensive to assess well and not scalable for large enrollment courses, there are strategies and approaches for integrating writing into courses, even in classes with a high enrollment.

In this session, we will hear from professors Lindsay Hamm (Sociology) and Amy Sheehan (Pharmacy) about their practices and the technologies they leverage for assessing writing assignments.

Participants will have opportunities to examine some of the challenges associated with assessing writing, explore new approaches based on the insights and practices of other participants, and brainstorm efficient and effective strategies for assessing writing for their contexts. Please register for this Zoom session.

You may also register for the TLCoP session on Mon., Nov. 21, on documenting and describing our teaching efforts around writing. Professor and Teaching Academy member, Lindsey Payne, will discuss Purdue’s newly adopted Framework for Teaching Excellence. Participants will have opportunities to consider their current practices around documenting and sharing out about their teaching efforts, envision where they would like to be in the Teaching Excellence framework, and brainstorm strategies for reaching their goals with other Purdue instructors who are passionate about helping students advance their writing abilities.

Further details on the community of practice and other TLCoP sessions this semester are available on the TLCoP website.

TLCoP is part of the Innovative Learning hub approach to connect PWL instructors to the resources they need to engage students, develop courses in any instructional modality, and enhance learning across the University. Members include the Center for Instructional Excellence, Libraries and the School of Information Studies, Purdue Online, Envision Center, and Teaching and Learning Technologies. To learn more, visit or email

Purdue Fort Wayne faculty and staff who are interested in similar topics, can reach out to the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT),, to discuss upcoming workshops, specialized workshops, one-on-one course and learning activity development sessions, and certificate opportunities.

Purdue Northwest faculty and staff may direct teaching-related questions to the Center for Faculty Excellence at, 219-989-8328, or CFE’s website. Technical support questions should be directed to The Office of Instructional Technology by email or OIT’s website or through their Virtual Help Desk.

Purdue Global faculty may direct teaching-related questions to Technical support questions should be directed to or 866-522-7747 (toll-free).