Student Support
- Purdue Online or the 3rd Party Vendor will provide support to students who have questions about registration.
- Automated academic support will be offered. (e.g. reminders to complete activities, etc.)
- Technology support is offered via ITaP customer service.
Questions to Consider:
- How will you identify at-risk students and intervene to keep them on track (if applicable)?
- Resolve student and employer issues, concerns, and grievances that are escalated according to internal policy, including responding to external complaints from social media, working with the colleges/departments to address academic dishonesty and associated appeals.
- Who will provide technology support to the students? (no support, professor/instructor support, local support (EX: college, department), central support (ITaP), OPM support, 24-7)
Who is Involved:
3rd Party Vendor (Initiator)
Purdue Online (Initiator)
Faculty (Collaborator)
Process Map:
Forms & Resources:
- Itap email and phone
- PO email and phone
- PO Services