Human Resources Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals For You

SEEMLESS vs Summer Calculator

All Employee information is transferred over to SEEMLESS as of the first day of summer and first day of each month. The (paper) summer calculator form should be used instead of the application when an action effective date is after the first day of the month. 

  • New hire, rehire, add additional, transfers, position reclassifications and change in pay with effective dates after the first day of the month.
    •  A paper calculator can be used for the first month and the SEEMLESS application for the following month(s). If the effective date is the first of the month, the employee may need to be added to the application.
    • All employees that transfer mid-month must be completed via a summer calculator form for the month.
    • Salary should be verified prior to submitting calendar. Select “Refresh Faculty Information” to ensure the most up-to-date salary is loaded.
    • A Summer Calculator Form is only necessary for employees with mid-month position reclassifications if the salary is affected or the pay area is changing. This does NOT include administrative adjustments.

Summer Pay Calculator (Spreadsheet used to calculate summer pay; instructions included)

  • Summer Pay Practices