Alternative Delivery of Services
Attention Horizons Scholars: Beginning on March 23, 2020 Purdue moved all instruction to an online/alternative delivery format. It is now summer 2021 and your Horizons Student Support Services Staff are back in the office! We are following all Protect Purdue Guidelines and will continue to provide updates as we receive them. We look forward to welcoming you back to our space.
Academic Success Consultations
Academic Success meetings with Brittany are available to help students create study plans and develop academic skills including time management, study strategies, and strategies for success in online courses. Schedule your virtual appointment through BoilerConnect, being mindful of any time changes if you are outside of the West Lafayette area. For any specific questions, contact Brittany at
Tutoring at Horizons
One-on-one tutoring is now being provided either in person or via Zoom. SI and Recitations will continue to be virtual through Zoom. Zoom links will be made available by Jessica. For any specific questions, contact Jessica at
For any additional questions, or if you want to stay connected with the Horizons team, email us at
Alternative Academic Support Services- About Horizons
- History
- Services
- Meet the Team
- Contact Us
- Annual Report
Questions? Contact us:
Horizons Student Support Services
Krach Leadership Center Room 329
1198 Third Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: 765-494-7094
Fax: 765-496-2795