The following question and answer columns are currently written by B. Rosie Lerner, Purdue Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist and are distributed to news media around the state by the Purdue University Agricultural Communications. Columns from June 1995 - January 2006 were authored by Bev Shaw, Advanced Master Gardener.
Q. I have a corn plant that my sister game me. She lives in North Carolina, and I live in Indiana. I brought it home and it was beautiful. I looked it up in a garden book and the only information on it was to keep it watered–1 inch–when it feels dry. It is not doing well at all. Two bunches of the leaves fell off at the trunk. Each time I water, more leaves turn […]
Q. Each year, including this past one, some of the new growth on my pear trees turns black and wilts. This year is the worst ever. What causes this and what can I do about it? – Ann Hunt, West Lafayette, Ind. A. Fireblight causes young twigs and flower blossoms to wilt, blacken and die. Often the tips of blighted twigs become crooked, resembling a shepherd’s staff. Fireblight affects apples, pears and certain ornamentals, including crab apples, […]
Q. I gathered some bittersweet branches last fall. These are the decorative red berries gathered in the fall for winter arrangements in the home. I have saved some well-developed seed but can’t get them to grow. I stored some in the freezer for a time, yet neither did they sprout. I’m wondering if they must pass through a bird’s digestive process to sprout. The seed appears to be encased in a thick shell. If so, […]
Q. This year, I had problems with my tomatoes. They grew well and had lots of green and ripe tomatoes on them, when all at once the leaves turned yellow and fell off. Some plants had no leaves left. The tomatoes that were ripe didn’t taste good. This happened in just a week’s time. Other neighbors had the same problem. – Kathryn Gilbert Cory, Ind. A. Tomatoes are susceptible to a number of problems. One […]
Q. What do I focus on now in my flower gardens? Should I be pruning things before winter? Do I need to clean up the perennials and maybe put down some mulch? What do I do to get a couple of rose bushes ready for winter? – Mike Wadsworth West Lafayette, Ind. A. Autumn frosts will soon take their toll on the garden. Head outside with a pair of pruners and begin cutting perennials off […]
Q. I have a weed in my garden that I can’t get rid of. It lies close to the ground and spreads. It has small green leaves that are thick and feel like rubber. Is there anything you can tell me to help me get rid of it? Thank you. – Sheila Denton, via e-mail A. It could be a number of weeds but sounds most like purslane. Purslane thrives in hot, dry weather. The […]
Q. I have some yucca that has turned yellow and has little black bugs on it. What can I do? It starts out green, then turns in the middle of summer. – Grace Griffin, Memphis, Ind. A. The yucca plant bug is a small blue-black bug with a reddish head. The adults and nymphs hurt the leaves by sucking the plant sap, causing the leaves to turn yellow and stippled. Treat with insecticidal soap, horticultural […]
Q. We have a big problem with bagworms. Last year they destroyed two decorative pine trees in our landscaping and they love our plum trees also. I cannot begin to count how many of their cocoons are left in our landscaping. What can I put on my trees and other plants to keep them from making their home too close to mine? Also, what time of the year should I take care of this problem?- […]
Q. Each year, my vine crops are affected by the larva of the Squash Vine Borer. I have tried powder pesticides, but find that I have to apply them almost daily due to early dew and frequent spring rains. I would like to cover the plants with a fabric instead. Can you tell me what type of fabric to use, what weeks out of the year to apply it and when it is safe to […]
Q. I bought five new rose bushes last spring and planted them in front of my front porch. The area had been well mulched, and the usual clay soil was greatly broken up several years ago when junipers were planted there. The junipers became diseased and died in many places, so we took them out. We thought we shouldn’t plant anything there right away, so we left the area undisturbed for a year. I planted […]