Q: Could you please tell me why my hollyhock’s leaves turn pale green around the bottom of the stalks, then yellow, then brown and drop off? The same thing happens on my geranium leaves, and the flowers die and wilt in the middle of the clusters. My rhododendron leaves turn yellow and curl together with spots on the leaves, and they drop off also. — Kay Nickless, Clay City, Ind. A: Yellowing leaves can indicate […]
Q. I have this smoketree that is about 10 years old. It will get to the seedy stage, but then it won’t completely bloom out. There might be two or three that will completely bloom out. Do I need more than one tree? Is there such a thing as a male and a female? Please help me get that tree to bloom. — Shirley Sitek, Knox, Ind. A. Smokebush has a rather ineffective flower, but […]
Q. I’m having trouble with my tall phlox plants. They are covered with white powder each summer and are smaller than they used to be. The flowers are fewer and smaller, too. Should I spray them with something? &emdash; Jane Small, Fort Wayne, Ind. A. Several factors contribute to vigorous blooming of old-fashioned phlox (Phlox paniculata). The white powder is powdery mildew, and phlox and lilacs are especially susceptible to this fungus. Appropriate fungicides will […]
Q. It looks like moss. It is killing out the grass and taking over my lawn. It started in the shade but keeps spreading. Can you tell me what it is, and what to do about it? – Janice Alward, Kingman, Ind. A. “It” is probably moss, but you could take a sample to your county Extension office to be sure. Moss takes over when conditions aren’t suitable for turf. Infestations are associated with low […]
Q. I enjoy your gardening Q&A and would like to get your opinion about growing okra. Our okra grew OK, but after it bloomed, most of the blooms rotted and fell off. The wife and I like okra, and we’ll appreciate any help you can give us. – Charlie Campbell, Griffin, Ind. A. Okra is a real southern belle, requiring hot temperatures to perform well. Last summer was cool and gray in the early months […]
Q: For the last two years, in the fall, we have had an invasion of ladybugs. They covered the south and west sides of our house. It’s now winter, and we still have ladybugs flying around inside our home. I don’t want to use insecticides, as ladybugs are beneficial, but when there are so many they become a nuisance. Any suggestions or ideas to help us would be greatly appreciated. – Susan Healton, Kokomo, Ind. […]