Rosie Lerner

Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs (HO-4-W)
Purdue Extension Publication
Correct pruning is essential maintenance for keeping trees and shrubs healthy in the home landscape. However, the thought of pruning makes many homeowners apprehensive. But this doesn’t have to be. This publication reviews the basics of pruning ornamental trees and shrubs in the home landscape.
Mystery plant, and challenging plant woes
Q. I bought this plant from a nursery about a year ago. On and off, I’ve been trying to identify it with various online plant identification sites, but I haven’t had much luck. Could you take a look and tell me what you think? – R.E., Tippecanoe County A. I believe your plant is one of the succulents belonging to the genus Kalanchoe. Because this genus is so diverse and numerous, it is difficult to […]
Caring for storm-damaged trees/How to Acidify Soil in the Yard
Q. Several trees on my property were damaged during recent storms. Some just lost a few limbs, but others are split along the trunk. How can I tell whether the trees can be saved or if they should be cut down? What kind of pruning paint should I use on the broken branches? – I.P., Bartholomew County, Ind. A. It can be difficult to decide whether trees with severe damage should be removed. The first […]
Mystery garden volunteer could be giant ironweed/Garden Soil Samples
Q. This plant came up in my back yard last summer. It grew to over 13 feet tall. I would like to know if you can identify it. – R.D., Lanesville, Ind. A. That is an impressively tall volunteer! It is difficult to tell much detail in the photo about the flower structure, but considering the size, stem color and foliage, one possibility would be giant ironweed, Veronia gigantea. While this plant commonly reaches up […]
Rotten apples and Indiana Big Tree Register
Q. We have fruit trees, including Yellow Delicious, Red Delicious, McIntosh and Northern Spy. We use an all-purpose spray. The Northern Spy has very large apples, and they all rot. This past season, we didn’t get one good apple from it although it was loaded. What spray could we use for this, and what is this disease called? – W.F., Portland, Ind. A. Apples can fall victim to a number of different soft rot diseases. […]