Last week, Dr. Linda Prokopy was honored with induction into the CTIC (Conservation Technology Information Center) Hall of Fame. Dr. Prokopy’s dedication to advancing conservation agriculture and her contributions to the field have earned her this recognition as only the fifth conservation leader to ever receive this prestigious recognition from CTIC. Her research, more than 140 publications,[Read More…]
Dr. Renu Pandey, from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), visited Purdue’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture this month as part of the Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship (OVDF) Program organized by Purdue and SERB of India and hosted by Dr. Ying Li, Dr. Kashchandra Raghothama, and Dr. Kranthi Varala. During this visit, Dr. Pandey[Read More…]
Over the next month, HLA Ambassadors will share their summer internship experiences on Purdue HLA’s social media channels. This week’s student is Danielle Hewitt. Danielle Hewitt I’m an intern at Landscape Concepts Management in Grayslake, IL. Over the summer I will be doing rotations through all different aspects of the company including maintenance, seasonal color,[Read More…]
This week’s update is from Purdue Student Farm Intern Nellie Waltherly. The washpack is officially up and running this season, with our first harvests of turnips, kohlrabi, bok choy and Napa cabbage underway. All eyes are on the tomatoes as the first fruit of the year are starting to turn, and our next set of[Read More…]
Vicki Stirm, Kathryn Orvis and Karen Mitchell hosted several youth outreach projects in June. On June 13 and 14, 16 youth from the 4-H Academy – Living Landscapes worked with Dr. Kathryn Orvis and and Vicki Stirm on several horticulture activities: plant propagation of houseplants, a scavenger hunt in the Jules Janick Horticulture Garden, and[Read More…]
The Diverse Corn Belt project is pleased to announce the open-access publication of “‘Safer to Plant Corn and Beans?’ Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Agricultural Diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt” in Agriculture and Human Values. Led by former HLA postdoc, Rebecca Traldi, the paper includes several HLA co-authors: Lauren Asprooth, Emily Usher, Elizabeth Maynard, Aaron[Read More…]
Wenjing Guan talk about her research and Extension programs to more than 100 middle and high school students this month. The groups that have visited or will visit Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center include South Knox Middle School’s summer activity program (June 4, about 25 students), Vincennes University’s Techmaster Camp (June 12, about 10 students), Vincennes[Read More…]
June 25 Tuttle Orchards 5717 North 300 West, Greenfield, IN We are pleased to announce that the fruit and vegetable growers will be joining together for a summer field tour being hosted by Tuttle Orchards in Greenfield, IN on June 25. Topics to be covered include fruit production, vegetable production, farm marketing, and agritourism. There’s[Read More…]
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