Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day – HLA Happenings

Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day

Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day Flyer


Register here: Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day

Please join us again this year for the Purdue Fruit & Vegetable Field Day, presented on July 18, 2024, at the Purdue Meigs Ag Center, 9101 S 100 E, Lafayette, IN 47909. Registration starts at 8 a.m., and educational tracks are scheduled between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Lunch is included in registration.

The 2023 field day was a hit. It featured Purdue Extension’s specialty crop research to 90 attendees, who left with positive feedback. Excited for 2024, the event promises interactive demonstrations on topics like weed and insect management, pollinators, soil health, apple orchard systems, bird control in vineyards, and more. As a bonus, all attendees will receive a free Vegetable Crops Hotline newsletter subscription! For more information about the field day, visit the Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day web page.

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