The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture held a celebration recognizing their Undergraduate Award Winners and Seniors on April 16. Outstanding HLA Undergraduates and Faculty Nominated Award Winners were announced and club officers and scholarship winners were recognized as well as the May and August graduating seniors. Thanks to Robin Tribbett for organizing the celebration[Read More…]
The American Society for Horticultural Sciences (ASHS) have announced their 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Horticulture Students and 2024 ASHS Collegiate Scholars Award Winners. ASHS recognized Lauren R. Harmon as a 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Horticulture Student. Students for this award were selected on the basis of their academic achievements, leadership abilities, participation in campus/club activities, and service[Read More…]
The first chapter of Emmanuel Cooper’s MS thesis entitled “Evaluation of critical weed-free period for three sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars,” was recently accepted and published by Weed Science. The journal article is co-authored by HLA members Stephen Meyers, Ashley Adair, and Jeanine Arana as well as Katie Jennings from North Carolina State University and Kevin[Read More…]
HLA’s Spring Fest tent was a smashing success! We handed out nearly 900 plant necklaces to the excited families who stopped by. Students from PASLA set up various children’s activities at their table. Purdue Extension Master Gardeners volunteers from Tippecanoe County staffed a table, answering questions and challenging attendees with a Plant Problem ID Challenge.[Read More…]
Our team Good Thyme Gang played against River City Rascals Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for the last week of the Purdue Staff and Students league. Good Thyme Gang has become the Champion of the league for the second year in a row! In the Team Category: Good Thyme Gang placed 1st with team scratch game scoring an 730, placed 2nd with team[Read More…]
You’re invited to the Capstone Presentations reviewing internships and work experiences by several of our graduating seniors in various concentrations. These oral presentations are a companion to a written descriptive review of the internship employer. Wednesday, April 24, 1:10 pm in HORT 222. 1:10 – Lara Staton – Light and Fertilizer Impact on Annual Cuttings[Read More…]
The Purdue Boilermaker Vegetable Season Pass is back for 2024! Take a giant leap towards supporting the Purdue Student Farm. Sign up for the Boilermaker Vegetable Season Pass to get your box of Purdue-grown vegetables, herbs, and fruits! Once you have signed up, you have the option to pay by check or credit card. See[Read More…]
Hydroponics training is offered to everyone in May and June at Purdue University. Interested participants can choose either May or June session. There will be four classes for each session on Saturdays from 9am-4pm. Training will be provided at the state-of-the-art Purdue hydroponics facility located in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Ag.[Read More…]
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