Our team Good Thyme Gang played against The Purdudes Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 28 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won all 8 points, confirming our team’s placement in first. In the Women’s Category: Ashley Adair placed 3rd with scratch game scoring a 162, placed 3rd with scratch series scoring a 460, placed 3rd with handicap game[Read More…]
Dr. Stanton Gelvin H. Edwin Umbarger Distinguished Professor Biological Sciences, Purdue University Thursday April 11th, at 3:30 pm HORT 117 or via Zoom. Understanding and manipulating Agrobacterium T-DNA integration for plant genome engineering Agrobacterium-mediated transformation (AMT) is the most commonly used method to deliver genome engineering reagents efficiently into plants. T-DNA integration into the plant genome[Read More…]
Please join us to celebrate the upcoming graduations of three SFS students by attending their SFS Capstone presentations. When: April 18th, 5:30p – 7:00p Where: HORT 222 Robert Luecke will talk about the prospects for permaculture on a small property in Brown County, Indiana. Sophia Mears will talk about her experiences preparing fine farm-to-fork meals[Read More…]
Hydroponics training is offered to everyone in May and June at Purdue University. Interested participants can choose either May or June session. There will be four classes for each session on Saturdays from 9am-4pm. Training will be provided at the state-of-the-art Purdue hydroponics facility located in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Ag.[Read More…]
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