Dr. Aaron Thompson, Center for Community & Environmental Design Director, received a $20,000 renewal grant from the National Park Service to continue a partnership between the CCED and the NPS River, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program. The CCED uses these funds to create a unique employment opportunity for undergraduate students based at Purdue who provide[Read More…]
On Tuesday Kathleen Zapf (MS Student, Hoagland Lab) attended the “STEM Careers and Student Programs at the U.S. Department of State – A Conversation with Secretary Antony J. Blinken.” This was a unique opportunity to network with high-ranking professionals in the Department of State as well as other Purdue STEM students, and to attend a[Read More…]
Ashley Adair and Steve Meyers attended the Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day at the Michigan State Southwest Research and Extension Center. Tools for farms of all sizes were demonstrated for attendees, including hand tools, robotic tools, belly mount tools, and 3-point hitch tools. This event would be a great showcase for faculty, staff, and[Read More…]
Dr. Senay Simsek, Department Head and Professor; Department of Food Sciences, Purdue University “Overview of the Food Science Department at Purdue” Thursday September 22, at 3:30pm, HORT 117 or join via Zoom. Abstract: Imagine a world. . .Where all of the earth’s raw agricultural products are utilized for nourishing every human being, imagine turning those[Read More…]
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