Align yourself or embark on your personalized path
Option courses provide you with discipline or industry specific depth in areas that are relevant to entrepreneurship and innovation. They are offered through the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program as well as departments across the university.
Flexible + Feasible
Many courses fulfill both certificate and plan of study requirements in your major. Utilize the approved course list below to further personalize your path.
Or select from the following:
ENTR Offered Option Courses

ENTR 46000 – Career and Internship Preparation Seminar
Credit Hour: 1
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, & Summer
Prerequisite: none
Distance Learning (online) only
Overview: ENTR 46000 equips students with professional skills based on entrepreneurship competencies required for internships and careers.
ENTR 46000 is a 1-credit, distance, option course for the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It equips students with professional skills based on entrepreneurship competencies. Students develop resources to illustrate their skills, talents, abilities, and goals to increase career preparedness. They learn what it takes to successfully transfer academic skills to a workplace setting and develop an entrepreneurial mindset that sets them apart from other job seekers.
During the semester students will develop the knowledge and skills to:
- Improve self-awareness of professional skills development through assessments and reflection.
- Create a professional brand through an improved LinkedIn profile, resume review, interviewing, and networking skills.
- Showcase educational and professional skills in an e-portfolio or website.
Required Textbook – none
ENTR 47000A – Gender, Diversity, and Leadership
Credit Hours: 3
Semesters Offered: Spring only
Prerequisite: none
Overview: ENTR 47000A provides a social and historical perspective of gender and diversity in leadership and entrepreneurship, as well as the practical skills students need to develop their own leadership abilities.

ENTR 47000A serves as an option course for the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It provides a social and historical perspective of gender and diversity in leadership and entrepreneurship, as well as practical skills students can use to develop their own leadership abilities. This highly interactive course provides the opportunity for students to meet with diverse leaders from a variety of organizations. Topics of social, political, and economic interest are covered, as are discussions of current issues and research relevant to leadership success.
Students develop the knowledge and skills to:
- Define the social, cultural, organizational and historical dimensions of gender and leadership.
- Identify contemporary gender and leadership issues.
- Practice communication, negotiation, and other skills relevant to leadership success.
Required Textbooks
Title: Women and Leadership
Year 2016
Authors: Rhode, D.
Publisher: Oxford Press University
ISBN: 9780190614713
Title: What Works: Gender Equality by Design
Year 2016
Authors: Bohnet, I.
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9780674089037
Title: Unfinished Business: Women, Men, Work, Family
Year 2015
Authors: Slaughter, A-M.
Publisher: New York, NY: Random House
ISBN: 9780812994568
Title: HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Women and Leadership
Year 2018
Authors: Harvard Business Review
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
ISBN: 9781633696723
3 Rented Films (Amazon/Netflix)
Iron-Jawed Angels (2007) 2018
Miss Representation (2011) RBG (2018)