Utilizing the approved course list

Understand the flexibility and create your course path for certificate completion.

A pathway for every Student


Our approved course list is a comprehensive list of option and capstone courses across all Purdue colleges to streamline and optimize your path for certificate completion. Your course pathway can be determined from courses in your major, or your interests and career goals.

Work with your academic advisor to determine the best time to complete the desired courses.

Remember, many courses may fulfill both certificate and requirements in your major.


Understanding the Approved Course List


The Explanation

  • Substitution of an additional capstone for one of the required option courses is permitted with our advisor’s assistance
  • OPEN = courses available to all certificate program students, where space permits and prerequisites have been met.
  • Review entire list for courses OPEN to all.
  • “X” indicates courses are cross-listed and therefore either course can satisfy the ENTR requirement.
  • * indicates newly approved courses not building into the current ENTR plan of study (myPurduePlan/Edu Nav). An exception is needed from the ENTR Program.
  • Pay attention to Notes and Prerequisites.
  • Look for courses that might be required in major plan of study anyway and “double duty” in those courses towards certificate completion – reducing overall course needs.
  • Review with your advisor too!
  • Always refer to the website for the most up to date Approved Course List.

    Ways to Leverage

    AGEC 33100: Professional Agricultural Selling. This course is “OPEN” to all majors and has no prerequisites. It can serve as both a required and option course for Ag students as well as other majors – reducing overall course needs.

    EPICS Courses: Engineering Projects in Community Service. Participation can count towards Certificate completion. Students in all majors are welcomed to participate.

    Great Issues Courses: All Great Issues courses can serve as options courses for College of Science students – reducing overall course needs.


    Seek support from our advisor