Career Guide Quick Links
Our Career Guide PDFs provide a lot of information about preparing for a specific career field in a 2-page format. The course chart on most of the Career Guides shows the typically required courses in the left column and the various versions of the courses offered at Purdue on the right. We generally list a non-majors sequence in that academic area first, then a majors sequence, then often an engineering sequence, then other fields such as pharmacy and other options. Students take whichever sequence is most appropriate for their major.
The Careers section of our website provides expanded information in addition to these guides.
We realize that a PDF is not the most accessible format for everyone. If you need this information in another format, please email us at preprofessional@purdue.edu and we will be happy to provide you with a better option.
- Careers
- Career Options
- Career Guide Quick Links
- Medicine & Physician Assistant
- Dentistry & Optometry
- Veterinary Medicine
- Physical & Occupational Therapy
- Law
- Pharmacy
- Public Health & Health Administration
- Podiatry & Chiropractic Medicine
- Anesthesiologist Assistant
- Genetic Counseling & Transplantation and Donation Science
- Orthotics/Prosthetics & Athletic Training
- Audiology & Speech Language Pathology
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Pathologists Assistant
- Forensic Science