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About IDA+A

IDA+A Department and Projects Overview 2024-25

Our Mission

Institutional Data Analytics + Assessment performs research, statistical and predictive analysis, and reporting for campus leaders and decision makers in support of evidence-based planning, evaluation, and assessment. We participate in ensuring well defined, quality data is available. As part of the Provost Office, we directly support the academic enterprise as well as the campus at-large.

Our Vision

The Institutional Data Analytics + Assessment office will work with partners to transform institutional data into a rich body of strategic intelligence that is accessible, well-defined and useful to decision-makers at all levels of the organization.  The office will promote a culture of assessment, providing the basis for continuous improvement throughout the institution.

Our Values

Collaboration: IDA+A believes that sustainable success can be achieved only through teamwork and a diverse set of viewpoints. We value a collegial work environment within our organization and beyond.

Customer Focus: IDA+A’s purpose is to provide our customers with results that are clear, insightful, and actionable.

Data Integrity: IDA+A prioritizes accuracy and repeatability to ensure our analytic decisions and assumptions are transparent. We value trust as the foundation of the Purdue data community.

Innovation: IDA+A values new ideas. We guide and set the direction of change in ways that best serve Purdue and all of higher education.

Strategic Alignment: IDA+A engages in work that supports the mission of the University. We are a bridge between senior leadership and the Purdue community.