Salary Conversion Formulas

FY 12 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Monthly Rate x 12
  • Hourly Rate = Monthly Rate x 12 / 2080
  • # Hours/Year = 2080
BW 12 Appointment
  •  Annual Rate = Hourly Rate x 2080
FY 11 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Monthly Rate x 11
  • Hourly Rate = Monthly Rate x 12 / 2080
  • # Hours/Year = 1906 to 1907
 BW 11 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Hourly Rate x 1920
FY 10 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Monthly Rate x 10
  • Hourly Rate = Monthly Rate x 12 / 2080
  • # Hours/Year = 1733 to 1734
BW 10 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Hourly Rate x 1760
FY 09 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Monthly Rate x 9
  • Hourly Rate = Monthly Rate x 12 / 2080
  • # Hours/Year = 1560
BW 09 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Hourly Rate x 1520
AY 09 Appointment
  • Annual Rate = Monthly Rate x 9
  • Hourly Rate = Monthly Rate x 12 / 2080
  • # Hours/Year = 1560*
* An academic year at Purdue is 39 weeks (20 weeks for Fall; 19 weeks for Spring) - 39 weeks x 40 hours = 1560
Conversion Rates for AY / FY
Monthly AY to FY Appointment
  • AY Annual rate x 1.2778 = FY Annual Rate
Monthly FY Appointment to AY Appointment 
  • FY Annual rate x 0.7826 = AY Annual Rate (for those who were in FY appointments on or after May 2012)
  • FY Annual rate x 0.80 = AY Annual Rate (for those who were in FY appointments before May 2012)