"Change in family status" is the Internal Revenue Service rule that allows you to adjust your benefit selections when unforeseen circumstances occur between open enrollments. Only specific events qualify as a change in family status refer to the list below.
If a qualifying event occurs, you must report it within 31 days, and the family change must relate to the benefit change you are requesting. As an example, adding or dropping medical plan dependents is common in the case of birth, marriage or divorce.
If you don't request a change in benefits within the 31-day period following your family change, you cannot make changes until the next open enrollment period.
You may drop dental insurance mid-year only when you've gained coverage under another plan. To qualify for this benefit change through a change in family status, you will be required to furnish proof that you have gained dental coverage.
Click to review additional information and required documentation.
- Birth or Adoption
When a new child is added to your household, it is considered a change in family status and allows you to add your dependent to your current plan mid-year.
You will need to upload one of the following documents to verify the change:
- Hospital birth records, birth confirmation, or
- School records demonstrating that the parent of the child is the employee or spouse, or
- Naturalization certificate (if born outside of the US) or Consular report of birth abroad, or
- Adoption certificate from your country of origin
After changing your benefits you will receive a confirmation email. Please remember without proper documentation the benefits will not be effective. The staff benefits department must receive a copy of one of the above documents and the Social Security number of your new dependent must be entered in Benefitfocus within 31 days of the date of change; otherwise, you will have to wait until the next open enrollment to add the dependent to your benefits. If you do not have your new dependent's Social Security number or records within 31 days, please contact the benefits department.
You may add your new dependent to the following benefits:
- Health Plan (Social Security number required)
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary, if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Dependent Care FSA
- Legal Plan
- Marriage
When you get married, it is considered a change in family status and allows you to add your spouse to your current plan mid-year.
You will need to upload one of the following documents to verify the change:
After changing your benefits you will receive a confirmation email. Please remember without proper documentation the benefits will not be effective. The benefits department must receive a copy of one of the above documents and the Social Security number of your spouse must be entered in Benefitfocus within 31 days of the date of change; otherwise, you will have to wait until the next open enrollment to add the dependent to your benefits.
You may add your new spouse to the following benefits:
- Health Plan (Social Security number required)
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary, if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
Also, do not forget to update your name and/or address, if needed, in the Employee Self Service portal at OnePurdue (Purdue SAP Portal). Access OnePurdue viahttps://one.purdue.edu.
- Arrival/Departure of Family Members to the USA
When one or more of your dependents arrive in the USA, this is considered a change in family status and allows you to make changes to and enroll in benefits mid-year.
You will need to upload documentation showing date of arrival (i.e. visa) and one of the following documents to verify the change:
- Spouse
- Marriage certificate, or
- Tax return for prior or current year; must clearly list employee, spouse and Social Security number (black out financial info)
- Dependent
- Hospital birth records, birth confirmation, or
- School records demonstrating that the parent of the child is the employee or spouse, or
- Naturalization certificate (if born outside of the US) or Consular report of birth abroad, or
- Adoption certificate from your country of origin
The benefits department must receive a copy of the above documents and dependent’s Social Security number within 31 days of the date of change; otherwise, you will have to wait until the next open enrollment to add your spouse or dependents to your benefits.
You may add your new dependents to the following benefits:
- Health Plan (Social Security number required)
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary, if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
When one or more of your dependents departs from the USA, this is considered a change in family status and allows you to make changes to and enroll in benefits mid-year.
The benefits department must receive notification of the change within 31 days of the date of change.
You may drop your dependents from the following benefits:
- Health Plan
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary, if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
- Death of Dependent
Death of a dependent is considered a change in family status and allows you to make changes to and drop benefits mid-year.
You should drop your dependent from the following benefits:
- Health Plan
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary, if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
Also, do not forget to update your name and/or address, if needed, in the Employee Self Service portal at OnePurdue (Purdue SAP Portal). Access OnePurdue via https://one.purdue.edu/.
Note: Beneficiary updates may also be needed for HSA and retirement plans.
- Divorce/Annulment
When your marriage ends in divorce or annulment, it is considered a change in family status and allows you to make changes to and enroll in benefits mid-year.
You will need to upload the following documents to verify the change:
- Copy of Divorce Decree/Court Documents
The benefits department must receive a copy of the above documents within 31 days of the date of change. If you do not receive a copy of the court documents within the 31 days, please contact Purdue Benefits for an extension.
You should drop your dependent from the following benefits:
- Health Plan
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary, if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
Also, do not forget to update your name and/or address, if needed, in the Employee Self Service portal at OnePurdue (Purdue SAP Portal). Access OnePurdue via https://one.purdue.edu/.
For assistance with preparing a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO), visit the Fidelity QDRO Center. Resources on the website include an FAQ and step-by-step instructions to help guide you through the process to create a QDRO.
Note: Beneficiary updates may also be needed for HSA and retirement plans
- Judgment/Decree/Court Order for Coverage
When you receive a judgment/decree/court order for coverage, it is considered a change in family status and allows you to make changes to and enroll in benefits mid-year.
You will need to upload the following documents to verify the change:
- Copy of Judgment/Decree or Court Documents
The benefits department must receive a copy of the above documents and the dependent’s Social Security number within 31 days of the date of change. If you do not receive a copy of the court documents within the 31 days, please contact Purdue Benefits for an extension.
You may add your new dependents to the following benefits:
- Health Plan (Social Security number required)
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary, if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
- Involuntary Loss of Coverage
When you, your spouse or dependents lose your coverage, it is considered a change in family status and allows you to make changes to and enroll in benefits mid-year.
You will need to upload one of the following documents to verify the change:
- You will need to provide proof that coverage was terminated
- Provide documentation to verify dependent eligibility from the list below.
- Marriage certificate, or
- Tax return for prior or current year; must clearly list employee, spouse and Social Security number (black out financial info)
- Hospital birth records, birth confirmation, or
- School records demonstrating that the parent of the child is the employee or spouse, or
- Naturalization certificate (if born outside of the US) or Consular report of birth abroad, or
- Adoption certificate from your country of origin
The benefits department must receive a copy of the above documents and the dependent’s Social Security number within 31 days of the date of change; otherwise, you will have to wait until the next open enrollment to add your spouse and/or dependents to your benefits.
You may add your new dependents to the following benefits:
- Health Plan (Social Security number required)
- Dental
- Life insurance (do not forget to change beneficiary if needed)
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
- Beginning/Ending of Unpaid Leave
When you begin an unpaid leave, it is considered a change in family status and allows you to un-enroll in benefits mid-year.
You may drop the following benefits:
- Health Plan
- Dental
- Life insurance
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Legal Plan
When you return from an unpaid leave, it is considered a change in family status and allows you to re-enroll in benefits mid-year.
You will need to update your benefits to reflect this change.
- Gained Coverage Under Another Plan
To submit new benefit elections when you have a qualifying life event or change in family status, sign on to Benefitfocus, Purdue's online benefits system.