Many gardeners have used cover crops to help keep soil from blowing away over winter. An added benefit of raising cover crops is that the foliage and root growth can be tilled under in late winter to help loosen heavy soils and improve overall soil structure and fertility. Also known as “green manure,” these cover crops can be especially valuable in preparing a new site for gardening or for rehabilitating a heavy or compacted site. […]
Although the pawpaw is native to the eastern and central United States, it is a surprisingly well-kept secret. Those who do know this fruit are not likely to forget its delightful aroma and flavor. The pawpaw has been called the Hoosier Banana, but probably only by Hoosiers themselves. The same plant is also known as the Michigan Banana, Kentucky Banana and other regional favorites. Botanically, the plant is known as Asimina triloba. The tree can […]
Today’s mobile society often lands gardeners in the predicament of moving away from their beloved gardens at a time of year that is less than ideal for transplanting. Devoted gardeners just hate the thought of leaving all of their beautiful flowers behind. Ideally, the time to move most perennials is either spring or early fall. The hot, generally dry weather of summer is about the worst time of year to move any plant. But, sometimes, […]
Today’s mobile society often lands gardeners in the predicament of moving away from their beloved gardens at a time of year that is less than ideal for transplanting. Devoted gardeners just hate the thought of leaving all of their beautiful flowers behind. Ideally, the time to move most perennials is either spring or early fall. The hot, generally dry weather of summer is about the worst time of year to move any plant. But, sometimes, […]
It is not unusual for annual flowers, such as impatiens and petunias, to look a bit peaked about the middle of summer. For some plants, such as pansies, stock and snapdragons, stress from summer heat turns off the initiation of flowers. But most flowering annuals are fairly heat tolerant and can be revived with a little pinch of their stems and a sip of nutrients. Though for the most part, our temperatures haven’t been all […]
Recent torrential rains have brought about flooded conditions in many gardens and landscapes. As floodwaters recede and folks get about the business of putting homes and lives back together, questions arise as to the safety of produce from flooded gardens, as well as potential damage to landscape plants. If you have produce ready to harvest, the issue of food safety is best handled with caution. Clearly, if floodwater is contaminated with raw sewage, it is […]
Visitors will find rooms with a view at the Purdue University’s annual Garden Day, Saturday, July 10. This annual open-house event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Horticulture Building and Gardens on the West Lafayette campus. The festivities include guided tours of the ornamental gardens, a gardening information booth, and gardening lectures presented by experts from Purdue and beyond. Morning tours of the Horticulture Greenhouses also will be offered. […]
Although garlic is thought to have originated in Asia, it has become an integral ingredient in most every county’s cuisine. Garlic is usually grown for the flavorful bulbs that grow underground, but the green tops are used much like green onions in some countries. The flowers of the garlic plant are sterile and so do not produce seed. New plants are grown from the individual sections of the bulb known as “cloves.” Garlic for planting […]
If battling the weather, weeds, and Japanese beetles in your own garden is growing weary, why not plan a visit to a botanic garden or arboretum? Indiana has a number of public gardens where you can expand your palette of gardening ideas. Botanic gardens and arboreta are essentially living museums with plants as the exhibits. Public gardens are great sources of information about plants that can be grown in your area. Many public gardens have […]
This summer has been a challenging one for many Indiana vegetable gardeners. It started with a prolonged cold, wet spring, was followed by a couple of weeks of intense heat and drought, and then followed by torrential rains! Gardens that have been in a prolonged saturated condition may present some surprising symptoms, ranging from wilting, yellowing or drooping foliage to blossom-end rot. When soil is saturated for an extended period, roots are deprived of much-needed […]
Page last modified: October 25, 2016
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