The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture welcomes Erin Percevault, Assistant Professor of Practice in Landscape Architecture. Erin Percevault joins Purdue University as the Assistant Professor of Practice in Landscape Architecture. Before moving to the Midwest, she was based in New York City. She earned her professional degree, a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, from Louisiana[Read More…]
The HLA Department hosted the Welcome Back Taco Thursday Celebration on August 24 to welcome back our undergraduates for the new school year. Students played corn hole, bingo, had photos taken at the Purdue-themed photo booth, and enjoyed a taco bar. Special guest, Associate Dean of Agriculture Christine Wilson joined in welcoming back our undergraduates[Read More…]
College of Agriculture’s Dean Bernie Engel recognized Becky Stevenson last week as the College of Ag Superhero. Dean Engel wrote: Colleagues point to her attention to detail, willingness to ask questions and ability to be proactive as great assets as building deputy, especially during the construction currently taking place in Whistler. Thank you, Becky, for[Read More…]
Nemali lab published an article titled “Connecting the dots: Path model to identify key phenotypic traits for screening plants with tolerance to nitrogen deficiency” in Plos One. The published research compared several physiological traits at the cellular, leaf, and whole-plant scales in nitrogen sensitive and tolerant poinsettia cultivars exposed to both optimal and N-deficient conditions,[Read More…]
Congratulations to the following HLA graduate students for receiving the Dr. Stephen Weller Travel Grant: George Meyer (Widhalm Lab) – $500 to attend the 2024 American Society for Horticulture Science in Honolulu, HI. Jeanine Arana (Meyers Lab) – $1,000 to attend the 9th International Weed Science Congress in Jerusalem, Israel in 2024. Josue Cerritos (Meyers[Read More…]
Yiwei Huang‘s Lab welcome two new members, a Master of Science of Landscape System and Design student, Mya Hagerty, and a visiting scholar from Tuscany, Italy, Alessandra Baravaglia. Mya graduated with an undergraduate degree in Brain & Behavioral Sciences this past spring from Purdue University and is excited to combine her interests in a unique way in[Read More…]
Lidysce Andrea Mata is a new visiting scholar in the Meyers’ weed science lab. She was born and raised in Honduras, where she’s currently senior undergrad student at Zamorano University. She joined the Meyers’ lab to fulfill a “professional experience” requirement to graduate from the Agricultural Sciences and Production major at Zamorano University, but also because she is deeply[Read More…]
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