The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture successfully presented the 2022 Indiana Horticulture Conference Webinar Series between Feb. 1 and March 1, 2022. We delivered 18 educational hours to 785 attendees from 19 States and Puerto Rico. We also had several international attendees. The co-chairs Petrus Langenhoven, Stephen Meyers, Lori Jolly-Brown, and Nathan Deppe would like to thank[Read More…]
The Langenhoven Lab is welcoming two visiting scholars, Lian Durón and Eduardo Miranda. They are both from Honduras. While at Purdue, they will be participating in research aimed at improving the long-term potential and sustainability of agriculture and food systems by improving the links between economics, production, and food safety that lead to profitable small-[Read More…]
Petrus Langenhoven and Nathan Shoaf (Urban Ag, Purdue Extension) presented at the Indiana Small Farms Conference on March 7, 2022. The presentation titled ‘Soil health practices and compost amendments for vegetable production’ explained activities of the Soil to Market research-based Extension program they are implementing. Experiences of the 2021 production season were shared with the[Read More…]
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