Pre-Award Roles and Responsibility Matrix

Role/Task PI
Dept Head
& Center
Deans Business Office SPS Pre-Award Services
Proposal Preparation
Assist BO and/or Investigators with proposal preparation x
Review sponsor guidelines x x x

Prepare the technical portion of the proposal

x x
Prepare COEUS budget and ensure proper costing x
Confirm COEUS budget matches sponsor budget and justification x
Prepare forms for cost sharing if applicable x
Document unlike circumstances x
Answer Yes/No Questions x
Provide contacts/info re Subcontractors & Collaborators x
Ensure Subcontract statements of work, budget, and budget justification are received and they are approved by the PI x x
Verify COEUS record is complete x x
*Prepare Current & Pending Reports x
Initiate Cost Share Approvals x
Ensures all Cost Share Approvals are obtained x x
Route proposal for academic approvals x
Approve Proposal x x x x
Provide Institutional Authority on Proposal & Submit Proposals on Behalf of Purdue x
Ensure sponsor guidelines are followed for proposal formatting and submission requirements x x
Ensure proper PI/CO-I and academic signatures are obtained x x

Obtain subcontractor institutional approval


Verify availability of resources such as equipment/facilities

x x x

Ensure conflict of interest managed/identified

x x
Certify academic soundness x
Verify project is compatible with PI’s other commitments x
Verify credit split distribution is appropriate x x
Approve cost sharing commitments x x
Verify project adheres to related college/unit or department/center missions (academic/research goals) x x
**Review Current & Pending for accuracy x x
Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, University rules, and sponsor guidelines x

Please check with your department processes. Some Business Offices complete these steps. Sponsor Guidelines should be reviewed by every business office at the time of award.

*Level of Pre-Award support varies by sponsor. Other/Current and Pending Support

**Pre-Award will only verify accuracy of the proposal being submitted at that time. Other/Current and Pending Support

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

2014 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Sponsored Program Services

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