Zhan Pang, PhD
Cullman Rising Star Professor of Supply Chain Management
Purdue Experiential Education Champion
Phone: (765) 494-4489
E-mail: zpang@purdue.edu
Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business
Zhan Pang is Lewis B. Cullman Rising Star Professor of Management in the area of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Daniels School of Business.
He directs the Supply Chain and Operations Management (SCOM) Ph.D. program. He is also a Purdue?s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fellow and Experiential Education (ExEd) Champion. His research interests include statistical learning and decision analytics, healthcare delivery systems, supply chain finance and risk management, and pricing and revenue management. He is a senior editor for Production and Operations Management (Healthcare Operations Management) and a founding editor of Journal of Blockchain Research.
He has rich industry experience as entrepreneur and management consultant.