James Mohler  Photo

James L. Mohler, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President of Scientific Integrity
Research Compliance (AVPSIRC)
Research Integrity Officer

(765) 496-6071

James L. Mohler, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President of Scientific Integrity
Research Compliance (AVPSIRC)
Research Integrity Officer

James L. Mohler is professor of Computer Graphics Technology (CGT). He has served in the following administrative roles at Purdue over the last 10 years: Senior Research Scientist of Multimedia and Web Development in Information Technology at Purdue (2002-2003); Director of the ITaP Informatics Group (2003-2005); Assistant Department Head, CGT (2008-2009); Associate Department Head, CGT (2009-2011); Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Programs (2011), Associate Dean of Academic Affairs & Diversity (2011-2015); Interim Director of the Division of Interdisciplinary Technology Studies (2015, Jan-Oct); and Associate Dean of the Graduate School (October 2015 to July 2023).

Currently Dr. Mohler serves as Associate Vice President of Scientific Integrity and Research Compliance (AVPSIRC) and Research Integrity Officer at Purdue University. As AVPSIRC, Jamie provides executive leadership and coordination amongst the various research compliance areas including IRB, IACUC, COI/COC, Export Control and Research Security.

Dr. Mohler is a University Faculty Scholar, a member of the Purdue University Teaching Academy and a past faculty fellow for the Discovery Learning Center. He was a member of Purdue’s ADVANCE team and has served as a Diversity Catalyst. Dr. Mohler has authored, co-authored, or contributed to over 21 texts related to computer graphics and media development and over 71 articles for refereed, reviewed, or trade publications. He has been the recipient of 1.5 million dollars in grants.