Podiatry & Chiropractic Medicine
Podiatrists (Doctors of Podiatric Medicine--DPMs) prevent, diagnose, and treat foot and ankle disorders, diseases and injuries. They use x-ray and laboratory tests to diagnose conditions, prescribe medications, order physical therapy, set fractures, and perform surgery. By helping patients with gait, balance and pain issues, DPMs are often able to make walking much more efficient and comfortable for their patients.
Doctors of Chiropractic Medicine (DCs) help patients maintain overall health by emphasizing the inherent power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. They stress many facets of a healthy life including exercise, nutrition, and rest. Chiropractors diagnose and treat patients with health problems associated with the muscular, nervous, and skeletal system. Besides using hands-on adjustments of skeletal system, chiropractors may use water, light, massage, ultrasound, heat therapy, and if specially trained, acupressure and acupuncture.
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- Medicine & Physician Assistant
- Dentistry & Optometry
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- Physical & Occupational Therapy
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- Pharmacy
- Public Health & Health Administration
- Podiatry & Chiropractic Medicine
- Anesthesiologist Assistant
- Genetic Counseling & Transplantation and Donation Science
- Orthotics/Prosthetics & Athletic Training
- Audiology & Speech Language Pathology
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Pathologists Assistant
- Forensic Science