Info about Pre-Professional Student Organizations
Have Club News to Share?
We would be happy to share your club news on our website! Please email your club's information to preprofessional@purdue.edu and we will add it to our website.
Still wanting to join a club and missed the callout? Log in to the Boilerlink website and you can request to join a club. That should prompt the club to email you with instructions on how to join.
Club email: purduepls@gmail.com
Club Email: caduceus@purdue.edu
Join through the Boilerlink site also fill out This Google FormCaduceus Club offers:
- Public health activities
- Skills training
- Demonstrations from medical students at the Indiana University West Lafayette campus
- Shadowing programs
- Medical service trips
- Community service
Club Email purdueppaclub@gmail.com
Pre-Physician Associate Club Boilerlink Site
Pre PA Club Offers:
- Q&A with PAs
- PA student panels
- PCE/GRE resources
- Leadership opportunities
- Annual international medical mission trip
- PA admissions meetings
- Skills labs
- Volunteer opportunities
Newly established club! Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA)
APAMSA is a local pre-med chapter of a national organization.
Learn more about healthcare in the AANHPI communities and make a difference. The club is focused on the healthcare challenges in the Asian Pacific American communities and on professional and cultural development.
Club Email: apamsapurdue@gmail.com
The Brain Exercise Initiative is a volunteer organization that uses simple math, writing, and reading exercises as an intervention to help prevent or slow the onset of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly. Extensive research from Japan shows that simple math exercises and reading aloud for just 30 minutes a day can positively impact memory for those with Alzheimer's disease. There are over 80 BEI chapters worldwide.
Website: https://beipurdue.wixsite.com/beipurdue
Insta: @bei.purdue
Join the mailing list by filling out their Brain Exercise Initiative Interest Form.
WorldHealth Purdue activities:
- Community volunteering
- Leadership experience
- Learning about a range of health-related topics
- Opportunities across three areas: Advocacy, Service and Finance
Purdue MedLife is a part of a non-profit organization that partners with low-income communities in Latin America and Africa. They work on community development projects to improve access to healthcare and education.
Students focus on areas such as mobile clinics, public health, human rights, and breaking the cycle of poverty.
Learn more at their website and BoilerLink sites.
This organization works to help students become future leaders and change agents in healthcare. They facilitate and develop projects and engage students in discussions surrounding current issues in healthcare.