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Video Express studios are a no-hassle solution for faculty, staff and students creating videos

Video is an integral feature of online courses, as well as many in-person courses, and Purdue has an easy way for faculty to create and incorporate videos into a course.

Video Express is a convenient, user-friendly platform for creating high-quality videos with a low barrier to entry and numerous professional touches, no advanced technological skills required. The system enables faculty to easily record and upload lecture videos and other content that enhance the learning experience.

Self-service Video Express studios are available on the West Lafayette, Fort Wayne and Northwest campuses and they can be used by staff and students in addition to faculty members.

Recent improvements include a cleaner web interface for learning about and reserving a Video Express studio and a better “onboarding” system that makes it easier for users to get up and running on recording their videos. There are seven Video Express sites on the West Lafayette campus, one each in Fort Wayne and Northwest and one planned for Purdue Indianapolis. In 2023, 566 different people recorded 41,453 minutes (690 hours) of video content in those studios.

Why use Video Express versus, for example, basic methods such as recording on a smartphone or voice-over PowerPoint?

  • Professional quality video, audio and lighting.
  • Choice of presenter-only, presentation-only, picture-in-picture, and other formats.
  • Effortless blending of PowerPoint slides, movie files and websites to create rich multimedia experiences.
  • Green screen capability,  enabling professional backdrops and imaginative landscapes.
  • No need to use separate video editing software.
  • Easy sharing (in a few clicks) of videos to Brightspace.

In addition to use by faculty for creating course materials, Video Express studios are available to staff and students for projects such as making a professional quality video for a conference presentation, an academic competition, or a class assignment as well as marketing videos and many other purposes as stoked by imagination. Faculty are encouraged to refer their students to Video Express and include it in their course syllabi.

For more information on Video Express and to schedule a recording session, visit this website.

The Video Express studios are a collaboration between Purdue IT, Purdue University Online and campus partners. For questions about using Video Express in teaching and learning, contact For technical questions about Video Express, contact