Business Contacts by Area

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Core Name Abbreviation Business Office Business Area Number Contact for Corrections Phone Email
3D X-ray Microscope Laboratory XRML Chemistry 4018 Cathy Lofthouse x45290 clofthou
3iD Recharge DR Engineering   1010 Amy Stanley x45150 stanley7
ABE Vehicle Fleet Recharge AVFR Ag & Biological Engineering 4011 Kathy Best x41170 kjbest
Ag Alumni Seed Phenotyping Facility AASPF College of Ag Administration 4011 Liz Rausch x47074 elizabet
Ag Data Services ADS College of Ag Administration 4011 Liz Rausch x47074 elizabet
Agriculture and Biological Engineering Energy Audit Recharge AABEEAR Ag & Biological Engineering 4011 Kathy Best x41170 kjbest
Agronomy Variety Testing AVT Agronomy 4011 Cheryl Long x41111 celong
Agronomy Vehicle Pool AVPC Agronomy 4011 Cheryl Long x41111 celong
Analytical Mass Spectrometry Facility AMSF Chemistry 4027 Janet Kliewer x41402 jkliewer
Animal Behavior Core ABC Centers and Institutes 4027 PIIN Business Office x41402 pilliers
Animal Science Meat Lab ASML Animal Sciences 4011 Stacy Uitts x44805 suitts
Beck Center BC College of Ag Administration 4011 Liz Rausch x47074 elizabet
Bindley Bioscience Genomics Facility BBG Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Bindley Business Office x41402 dp1212bo
Bindley Metabolite Profiling Facility (MPF) BMPF Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Bindley Business Office x41402 dp1212bo
Biochem Instrument Facility BIF Biochemistry 4011 Sherry Honn x41628 honn
Biochemistry Tao Mass Spectrometry Facility BTMSF Biochemistry 4011 Sherry Honn x41628 honn
Bioinformatics Core BC College of Ag Administration 4011 Liz Rausch x47074 elizabet
Biological Evaluation Core Facility BECF Purdue University Center for Cancer Research 4007 PICR Business Office x41402
BRK Bio  BBC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Characterization BCC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Electron Microscopy BEMC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Etch BEC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Evaporation/Sputtering BESC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Furnace BFC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Growth BGC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Lithography BLC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Metrology BMC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Packaging and Assembly BPAAC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Roll to Roll Technology BRTRTC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
BRK Utility BUC Birck Nanotechnology Center 4027 Birck Business Office x41619 dp1211bo
C3B-Collaborative Core for Cancer Bioinformatics C3B Purdue University Center for Cancer Research 4007 PICR Business Office x41402
CATME CRC Engineering - Armstrong 1010 Jessica Deitrich x45150 deitrich
CATS Recharge CR Civil Engineering 4014 Yvette Rosas x44071 yrosas
Center for Aging Infrastructure (CAI) CFAI Civil Engineering 4014 Yvette Rosas x44071 yrosas
Centrally Managed Laboratory Animal Facilities (CMLAF) CMLAF VPR 4027 Kaylyn Nelson Teams nelso682
CERIS C Center for Environmental & Regulatory Information System 4011 Lori Edwards x44549 ledwards
Chemical Genomics Facility CGF Centers and Institutes 4027 PIDD Business Office x41402
Civil Engineering Civil Field Vehicle CECFV Civil Engineering 4014 Yvette Rosas x44071 yrosas
Civil Engineering Civil Tarco Field Vehicle CECTFV Civil Engineering 4014 Yvette Rosas x44071 yrosas
Civil Engineering JTRP Vehicle CEJVR Civil Engineering 4014 Yvette Rosas x44071 yrosas
Civil Engineering Pankow Lab Recharge CEPLR Civil Engineering 4014 Yvette Rosas x44071 yrosas
College of Liberal Arts Recharge Center COLA College of Liberal Arts 4017 Leslie Burns x42327 leslieburns
CRC/Bionutrition Center (Foods & Nutrition) CCN Nutrition Science 4013 Wanda Stevens x48531 wstevens
Cryo Electron Microscopy Facility CEMF Biological Sciences 4018 Biological Science Business Office x42129 biolbo
Digital Imaging DI Libraries and Purdue University Press 4024 Amy Storms x47710 astorms
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science EAPS Vehicle Recharge EAAPSEVR Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sceinces 2008 Alicia Carroll x41913 aschragg
Engineering MRI Facility EMF Biomedical Engineering 4014 Kim Dixon x66573 kdixon
Entomology Nematode Soil Facility ENSF Entomology 4011 Lori Edwards x44549 ledwards
Evaluation & Learning Research Center (ELRC) ELRC Education 4020 Stacey Beyer/Marshay Jolly  x42338

conrad24 / jolly

Fatty Acid Analysis Core FAAC Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology 4016 Tara Flook x42292 tflook
Flight Operations FO Purdue Polytechnic 4019 Jennifer Akridge x69683 jakridge
Flow Cytometry and Cell Separation Core Facility FCACSCF Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Bindley Business Office x41402 dp1212bo
Gas Cylinder Rentals Recharge Core GCRCC Procurement 1025 Diane Schrader NA dmmcafee
Gene Editing Facility GEF Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Bindley Business Office x41402 dp1212bo
Herrick Labs: Mechanical Engineering HLME Mechanical Engineering 4014 Jami Butler x41890 jamib
Histology Research Laboratory - Center for Comparative Translational Research HRLCFCTR Vet Med 4012 Jessica Viney x65020 be
INOK Recharge IR Engineering Professional Education 4014 Brin Reed x45405 reed23
Interdepartmental NMR Facility (PINMRF) INF Chemistry 4018 Cathy Lofthouse x45290 clofthou
International Scholar Services Core ISSC EVPRP 4042 Gina VanSickle x47173 gvansick
Key Fee Recharge Center KFRC Materials Engineering 4014 Amy Stanley x45150 stanley7

Krenicki Center for Business Analytics & Machine Learning

KCFBAML Krannert School of Management 4015 Reece Dewell x44367 radewell
Life Science Fluorescence Imaging Facility - Lily LSFIFL Biological Sciences 4018 Biological Science Business Office x42129 biolbo
Life Science MRI LSM Health and Human Sciences 4013 Emily Smith x47829 smit3398
Lyles-Porter LP Health and Human Sciences 4013 Genia Hunley x43186 ehunley
Macromolecular Crystallography X-Ray Diffraction Lab MCXRDL Biological Sciences 4018 Biological Science Business Office x42129 biolbo
Manufacturing & Materials Research Lab (MMRL) MMRL College of Engineering 4014 Brittany Vestal x60589 bvestal
MEP Core MC EVPRP 4042 Gina VanSickle x47173 gvansick
Mobile Lab (MiMTL) ML Civil Engineering 4014 Yvette Rosas x44071 yrosas
Molecular Evolution, Protein Engineering, and Propduction (MEPEP) Facility EVPRP 4007 Erica Cox x41619 ericacox
Neuroscience Cell Engineering NCE EVPRP 4007 Erica Cox x41619 ericacox
North Central Superpave Center NCSC Materials Engineering 4014 Amy Stanley x45150 stanley7
P3MC (Purdue Polytechnic Precision Measurement Center) PPPMC Purdue Polytechnic 4019 Zandra Barker x66054 barkerz
Particle, Powder and Compact Characterization Lab PPACCL Mechanical Engineering 4014 Michelle Sarault x45712 msarault
Pharmacy Live Cell Imaging Facility PLCIF Pharmacy 4016 Cathy Lofthouse x45290 clofthou
Physics Helium Core PHC Physics 2008 Cathy Lofthouse / Tara Flook x45290
Plant Growth Chamber Center PGCC Horticulture 4011 Lora White x41034 white290
Precision Machining PM Chemistry 4018 Cathy Lofthouse x45290 clofthou
Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory - Center for Comparative Translational Research PCRLCFCTR Vet Med 4012 Jessica Viney x65020 berryj
PRIME Recharge PR Physics 2008 Cathy Lofthouse / Tara Flook x45290
Purdue Center for Professional Selling PCFPS Health and Human Sciences 4013 Kimberly Daly x40350 hitzekk
Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD) PCFRD Office of Engagement 4025 Sara Clinton x61120 seclinton
Purdue Composite Manufacturing and Simulation Center PCMSC Materials Engineering 4014 Kim Dixon x66573 kdixon
Purdue Electron Microscopy Facility PEMF Office of Research 4027 Discovery Park Business Office x47303 dp1211bo
Purdue Healthcare Advisors PHA Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Amber Marley x41152 marleya
Purdue Imaging Facility (PIF) PIF Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Bindley Business Office x41402 dp1212bo
Purdue Proteomics Facility (PPF) PPF Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Bindley Business Office x41402 dp1212bo
Purdue Stable Isotope Facility PSIF Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sceinces 2008 Alicia Carroll x41913 aschragg
Purdue USA Research and Test Facility (PURT) PURT  Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 4014 Amy Stanley x45150 stanley7
Regenstrief Healthcare Analytics Core RHAC Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering 4027 RCHE Business Office
Research Instrumentation Center RIC Chemistry 4018 Cathy Lofthouse x45290 clofthou
Research Machining Services RMS Mechanical Engineering 4014 Michelle Sarault x45712 msarault
SATT Test Cell Core STCC Purdue Polytechnic 4019 Melissa Walters x46422 mmwalters
School of Materials Preparation and Characterization Recharge Core SOMPACRC Materials Engineering 4014 Amy Stanley x45150 stanley7
Scientific Glass Blowing Lab SGBL Chemistry 4018 Cathy Lofthouse x45290 clofthou
Small Animal MRI Facility SAMF Biomedical Engineering 4014 Kim Dixon x66573 kdixon
Soft Materials Characterization Laboratory SMCL Materials Engineering 4014 Amy Stanley x45150 stanley7
Structure Based Drug Design Core SBDDC Biochemistry 4011 Sherry Honn x41628 honn
TAP Core (Cyber Security) TAP Bindley Bioscience Recharges 4027 Gina VanSickle x47173 gvansick
TAP Core (Health TAP Quality) TAP Bindley Bioscience Recharges 4027 Gina VanSickle x47173 gvansick
TAP Core (Health TAP-Lean) TAP Bindley Bioscience Recharges 4027 Gina VanSickle x47173 gvansick
The Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center TICASIC College of Ag Administration 4011 Liz Rausch x47074 elizabet
Transgenic and Genome Editing Facility TAGEF Purdue University Center for Cancer Research 4007 PICR Business Office x41402
Translational Pharmacology (PTP) Core TPC Bindley Bioscience Center 4027 Bindley Business Office x41402 dp1212bo
Transportation Services TS Environmental Health and Public Safety 1025 Transportation x42114 transportation
Wright Forestry Center WFC Forestry & Natural Resources 4011 Jennifer Spitznagle x49913 jlspitzn
X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory XRCL Chemistry 4018 Cathy Lofthouse x45290 clofthou
Zebrafish Core ZC Biological Sciences 4018 Biological Science Business Office x42129 biolbo

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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