Business Contacts by Area
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Core Name | Abbreviation | Business Office | Business Area Number | Contact for Corrections | Phone | |
3D X-ray Microscope Laboratory | XRML | Chemistry | 4018 | Cathy Lofthouse | x45290 | clofthou |
3iD Recharge | DR | Engineering | 1010 | Amy Stanley | x45150 | stanley7 |
ABE Vehicle Fleet Recharge | AVFR | Ag & Biological Engineering | 4011 | Kathy Best | x41170 | kjbest |
Ag Alumni Seed Phenotyping Facility | AASPF | College of Ag Administration | 4011 | Liz Rausch | x47074 | elizabet |
Ag Data Services | ADS | College of Ag Administration | 4011 | Liz Rausch | x47074 | elizabet |
Agriculture and Biological Engineering Energy Audit Recharge | AABEEAR | Ag & Biological Engineering | 4011 | Kathy Best | x41170 | kjbest |
Agronomy Variety Testing | AVT | Agronomy | 4011 | Cheryl Long | x41111 | celong |
Agronomy Vehicle Pool | AVPC | Agronomy | 4011 | Cheryl Long | x41111 | celong |
Analytical Mass Spectrometry Facility | AMSF | Chemistry | 4027 | Janet Kliewer | x41402 | jkliewer |
Animal Behavior Core | ABC | Centers and Institutes | 4027 | PIIN Business Office | x41402 | pilliers |
Animal Science Meat Lab | ASML | Animal Sciences | 4011 | Stacy Uitts | x44805 | suitts |
Beck Center | BC | College of Ag Administration | 4011 | Liz Rausch | x47074 | elizabet |
Bindley Bioscience Genomics Facility | BBG | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Bindley Business Office | x41402 | dp1212bo |
Bindley Metabolite Profiling Facility (MPF) | BMPF | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Bindley Business Office | x41402 | dp1212bo |
Biochem Instrument Facility | BIF | Biochemistry | 4011 | Sherry Honn | x41628 | honn |
Biochemistry Tao Mass Spectrometry Facility | BTMSF | Biochemistry | 4011 | Sherry Honn | x41628 | honn |
Bioinformatics Core | BC | College of Ag Administration | 4011 | Liz Rausch | x47074 | elizabet |
Biological Evaluation Core Facility | BECF | Purdue University Center for Cancer Research | 4007 | PICR Business Office | x41402 | cancer@ |
BRK Bio | BBC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Characterization | BCC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Electron Microscopy | BEMC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Etch | BEC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Evaporation/Sputtering | BESC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Furnace | BFC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Growth | BGC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Lithography | BLC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Metrology | BMC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Packaging and Assembly | BPAAC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Roll to Roll Technology | BRTRTC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
BRK Utility | BUC | Birck Nanotechnology Center | 4027 | Birck Business Office | x41619 | dp1211bo |
C3B-Collaborative Core for Cancer Bioinformatics | C3B | Purdue University Center for Cancer Research | 4007 | PICR Business Office | x41402 | cancer@ |
CATME | CRC | Engineering - Armstrong | 1010 | Jessica Deitrich | x45150 | deitrich |
CATS Recharge | CR | Civil Engineering | 4014 | Yvette Rosas | x44071 | yrosas |
Center for Aging Infrastructure (CAI) | CFAI | Civil Engineering | 4014 | Yvette Rosas | x44071 | yrosas |
Centrally Managed Laboratory Animal Facilities (CMLAF) | CMLAF | VPR | 4027 | Kaylyn Nelson | Teams | nelso682 |
CERIS | C | Center for Environmental & Regulatory Information System | 4011 | Lori Edwards | x44549 | ledwards |
Chemical Genomics Facility | CGF | Centers and Institutes | 4027 | PIDD Business Office | x41402 | |
Civil Engineering Civil Field Vehicle | CECFV | Civil Engineering | 4014 | Yvette Rosas | x44071 | yrosas |
Civil Engineering Civil Tarco Field Vehicle | CECTFV | Civil Engineering | 4014 | Yvette Rosas | x44071 | yrosas |
Civil Engineering JTRP Vehicle | CEJVR | Civil Engineering | 4014 | Yvette Rosas | x44071 | yrosas |
Civil Engineering Pankow Lab Recharge | CEPLR | Civil Engineering | 4014 | Yvette Rosas | x44071 | yrosas |
College of Liberal Arts Recharge Center | COLA | College of Liberal Arts | 4017 | Leslie Burns | x42327 | leslieburns |
CRC/Bionutrition Center (Foods & Nutrition) | CCN | Nutrition Science | 4013 | Wanda Stevens | x48531 | wstevens |
Cryo Electron Microscopy Facility | CEMF | Biological Sciences | 4018 | Biological Science Business Office | x42129 | biolbo |
Digital Imaging | DI | Libraries and Purdue University Press | 4024 | Amy Storms | x47710 | astorms |
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science EAPS Vehicle Recharge | EAAPSEVR | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sceinces | 2008 | Alicia Carroll | x41913 | aschragg |
Engineering MRI Facility | EMF | Biomedical Engineering | 4014 | Kim Dixon | x66573 | kdixon |
Entomology Nematode Soil Facility | ENSF | Entomology | 4011 | Lori Edwards | x44549 | ledwards |
Evaluation & Learning Research Center (ELRC) | ELRC | Education | 4020 | Stacey Beyer/Marshay Jolly | x42338 | |
Fatty Acid Analysis Core | FAAC | Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology | 4016 | Tara Flook | x42292 | tflook |
Flight Operations | FO | Purdue Polytechnic | 4019 | Jennifer Akridge | x69683 | jakridge |
Flow Cytometry and Cell Separation Core Facility | FCACSCF | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Bindley Business Office | x41402 | dp1212bo |
Gas Cylinder Rentals Recharge Core | GCRCC | Procurement | 1025 | Diane Schrader | NA | dmmcafee |
Gene Editing Facility | GEF | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Bindley Business Office | x41402 | dp1212bo |
Herrick Labs: Mechanical Engineering | HLME | Mechanical Engineering | 4014 | Jami Butler | x41890 | jamib |
Histology Research Laboratory - Center for Comparative Translational Research | HRLCFCTR | Vet Med | 4012 | Jessica Viney | x65020 | be |
INOK Recharge | IR | Engineering Professional Education | 4014 | Brin Reed | x45405 | reed23 |
Interdepartmental NMR Facility (PINMRF) | INF | Chemistry | 4018 | Cathy Lofthouse | x45290 | clofthou |
International Scholar Services Core | ISSC | EVPRP | 4042 | Gina VanSickle | x47173 | gvansick |
Key Fee Recharge Center | KFRC | Materials Engineering | 4014 | Amy Stanley | x45150 | stanley7 |
Krenicki Center for Business Analytics & Machine Learning |
KCFBAML | Krannert School of Management | 4015 | Reece Dewell | x44367 | radewell |
Life Science Fluorescence Imaging Facility - Lily | LSFIFL | Biological Sciences | 4018 | Biological Science Business Office | x42129 | biolbo |
Life Science MRI | LSM | Health and Human Sciences | 4013 | Emily Smith | x47829 | smit3398 |
Lyles-Porter | LP | Health and Human Sciences | 4013 | Genia Hunley | x43186 | ehunley |
Macromolecular Crystallography X-Ray Diffraction Lab | MCXRDL | Biological Sciences | 4018 | Biological Science Business Office | x42129 | biolbo |
Manufacturing & Materials Research Lab (MMRL) | MMRL | College of Engineering | 4014 | Brittany Vestal | x60589 | bvestal |
MEP Core | MC | EVPRP | 4042 | Gina VanSickle | x47173 | gvansick |
Mobile Lab (MiMTL) | ML | Civil Engineering | 4014 | Yvette Rosas | x44071 | yrosas |
Molecular Evolution, Protein Engineering, and Propduction (MEPEP) Facility | EVPRP | 4007 | Erica Cox | x41619 | ericacox | |
Neuroscience Cell Engineering | NCE | EVPRP | 4007 | Erica Cox | x41619 | ericacox |
North Central Superpave Center | NCSC | Materials Engineering | 4014 | Amy Stanley | x45150 | stanley7 |
P3MC (Purdue Polytechnic Precision Measurement Center) | PPPMC | Purdue Polytechnic | 4019 | Zandra Barker | x66054 | barkerz |
Particle, Powder and Compact Characterization Lab | PPACCL | Mechanical Engineering | 4014 | Michelle Sarault | x45712 | msarault |
Pharmacy Live Cell Imaging Facility | PLCIF | Pharmacy | 4016 | Cathy Lofthouse | x45290 | clofthou |
Physics Helium Core | PHC | Physics | 2008 | Cathy Lofthouse / Tara Flook | x45290 x42292 |
clofthou tflook |
Plant Growth Chamber Center | PGCC | Horticulture | 4011 | Lora White | x41034 | white290 |
Precision Machining | PM | Chemistry | 4018 | Cathy Lofthouse | x45290 | clofthou |
Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory - Center for Comparative Translational Research | PCRLCFCTR | Vet Med | 4012 | Jessica Viney | x65020 | berryj |
PRIME Recharge | PR | Physics | 2008 | Cathy Lofthouse / Tara Flook | x45290 x42292 |
clofthou tflook |
Purdue Center for Professional Selling | PCFPS | Health and Human Sciences | 4013 | Kimberly Daly | x40350 | hitzekk |
Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD) | PCFRD | Office of Engagement | 4025 | Sara Clinton | x61120 | seclinton |
Purdue Composite Manufacturing and Simulation Center | PCMSC | Materials Engineering | 4014 | Kim Dixon | x66573 | kdixon |
Purdue Electron Microscopy Facility | PEMF | Office of Research | 4027 | Discovery Park Business Office | x47303 | dp1211bo |
Purdue Healthcare Advisors | PHA | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Amber Marley | x41152 | marleya |
Purdue Imaging Facility (PIF) | PIF | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Bindley Business Office | x41402 | dp1212bo |
Purdue Proteomics Facility (PPF) | PPF | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Bindley Business Office | x41402 | dp1212bo |
Purdue Stable Isotope Facility | PSIF | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sceinces | 2008 | Alicia Carroll | x41913 | aschragg |
Purdue USA Research and Test Facility (PURT) | PURT | Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering | 4014 | Amy Stanley | x45150 | stanley7 |
Regenstrief Healthcare Analytics Core | RHAC | Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering | 4027 | RCHE Business Office | dp1223bo@ |
Research Instrumentation Center | RIC | Chemistry | 4018 | Cathy Lofthouse | x45290 | clofthou |
Research Machining Services | RMS | Mechanical Engineering | 4014 | Michelle Sarault | x45712 | msarault |
SATT Test Cell Core | STCC | Purdue Polytechnic | 4019 | Melissa Walters | x46422 | mmwalters |
School of Materials Preparation and Characterization Recharge Core | SOMPACRC | Materials Engineering | 4014 | Amy Stanley | x45150 | stanley7 |
Scientific Glass Blowing Lab | SGBL | Chemistry | 4018 | Cathy Lofthouse | x45290 | clofthou |
Small Animal MRI Facility | SAMF | Biomedical Engineering | 4014 | Kim Dixon | x66573 | kdixon |
Soft Materials Characterization Laboratory | SMCL | Materials Engineering | 4014 | Amy Stanley | x45150 | stanley7 |
Structure Based Drug Design Core | SBDDC | Biochemistry | 4011 | Sherry Honn | x41628 | honn |
TAP Core (Cyber Security) | TAP | Bindley Bioscience Recharges | 4027 | Gina VanSickle | x47173 | gvansick |
TAP Core (Health TAP Quality) | TAP | Bindley Bioscience Recharges | 4027 | Gina VanSickle | x47173 | gvansick |
TAP Core (Health TAP-Lean) | TAP | Bindley Bioscience Recharges | 4027 | Gina VanSickle | x47173 | gvansick |
The Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center | TICASIC | College of Ag Administration | 4011 | Liz Rausch | x47074 | elizabet |
Transgenic and Genome Editing Facility | TAGEF | Purdue University Center for Cancer Research | 4007 | PICR Business Office | x41402 | cancer@ |
Translational Pharmacology (PTP) Core | TPC | Bindley Bioscience Center | 4027 | Bindley Business Office | x41402 | dp1212bo |
Transportation Services | TS | Environmental Health and Public Safety | 1025 | Transportation | x42114 | transportation |
Wright Forestry Center | WFC | Forestry & Natural Resources | 4011 | Jennifer Spitznagle | x49913 | jlspitzn |
X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory | XRCL | Chemistry | 4018 | Cathy Lofthouse | x45290 | clofthou |
Zebrafish Core | ZC | Biological Sciences | 4018 | Biological Science Business Office | x42129 | biolbo |