After almost 49 years working tirelessly to support HLA, Robin Tribbett retired on May 31. Respecting her wishes to keep this information private, we did not have a retirement celebration but there is much to celebrate. Robin served in many roles over the years. Most recently, she served as the primary recruiter for the department[Read More…]
Purdue will celebrate the planting of the final tree of the 1869 Tree Planting Master Plan, according to the Purdue Today article: Purdue to celebrate achievement of 1869 Tree Planting Master Plan, receives Tree Campus USA Award for 15th consecutive year. The event will be held June 11 from 1:30-2 p.m. in front of the[Read More…]
Several HLA faculty and staff participated in a “Seed Your Future” lunch and learn event on June 3 for 30 high school science teachers who visited Purdue to learn more about careers in plant sciences. Thank you to Kyle Daniel, Yiwei Huang, Petrus Langenhoven, Ying Li, Brandon McNally, Steve Meyers, Karen Mitchell, Linda Prokopy, Gloribel[Read More…]